Author Topic: Funny Chatlog Quiz lol  (Read 4810 times)

Offline Mattyˇ

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Funny Chatlog Quiz lol
« on: February 16, 2014, 02:58:32 AM »
Before this chatlog i was making more quizes most of them were with numbers and werent that interesting but you can see some funny answer on my quizes on this chatlog xD

[22:58:31] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}turtle + 5 =

[22:58:32] [YG]Johonny: (21) {FFFFFF}my mom

[22:58:32] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}0 

[22:58:34] Massrrww: (1) {FFFFFF}??

[22:58:34] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}0

[22:58:36] ** Megan [Id:3] has joined the server.

[22:58:36] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}??Ę ăŮČŘ ?ŃČ?Ę? ?Ň?? ć?Č? ż

[22:58:36] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}?? ?Ń?ă

[22:58:37] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Johonny (ID: 21)

[22:58:37] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Johonny (ID: 21)

[22:58:38] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}5

[22:58:39] [YG]Johonny: (21) {FFFFFF}xD

[22:58:42] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}xD

[22:58:43] Massrrww: (1) {FFFFFF}Ę???ě

[22:58:44] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}??ă

[22:58:46] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}hippo + 6

[22:58:47] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}0 

[22:58:50] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}FAHTER

[22:58:51] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[22:58:51] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[22:58:52] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}hip6

[22:58:53] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}???Ň ĘŮČŘ ?ŃČ?Ę? ?? ?Ń?ă ż

[22:58:54] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}???ă Ţ??Ď ĘŢć?? Ę???? ć ă? ČĘ?ă? ??Ě?

[22:58:56] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}fart + fart =

[22:58:57] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Johonny's mom?

[22:58:57] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}0   1

[22:58:57] * [xB]BlackEagle is on a killing spree! (Kills : 5) (Reward : $5000)

[22:58:58] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}0

[22:59:00] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}smelly

[22:59:06] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[22:59:06] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[22:59:08] Massrrww: (1) {FFFFFF}?? ĺćĎ??

[22:59:09] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}lol

[22:59:10] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Damn, im good

[22:59:11] *[YG]Ma7mOuD EVENT SHAMAL at /sfa

[22:59:13] [YG]Johonny: (21) {FFFFFF}-.-

[22:59:16] * johnnygamer2 (ID:18) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[22:59:17] * deathx99 (ID:9) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[22:59:17] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}'Ř?Č ??Ę ???

[22:59:18] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 30 + 36 - 45 + 38 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[22:59:19] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}legggennda + johonny=

[22:59:21] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}0   

[22:59:23] [YG]Johonny: (21) {FFFFFF}love

[22:59:23] RAJAWI: (28) {FFFFFF}86

[22:59:24] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}:P

[22:59:24] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}player

[22:59:25] [YG]Johonny: (21) {FFFFFF}:D

[22:59:26] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[22:59:26] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[22:59:28] *[YG]Ma7mOuD who want join ?

[22:59:31] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Dafuq?

[22:59:31] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

[22:59:34] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}turtle + cow=

[22:59:34] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[22:59:36] * [YG]Ma7mOuD (ID:17) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[22:59:36] **sala7 has successfully solved a task in 17 seconds (Ans: 59).

[22:59:36] * sala7 has answered a total of 80 Maths quiz.

[22:59:36] <sala7> 59

[22:59:37] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}babe

[22:59:38] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0

[22:59:38] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ă??? ??ă ??Ń?ă ż :3

[22:59:38] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}999999999999999999

[22:59:39] [YG]Ma7mOuD: (17) {FFFFFF} /sfa

[22:59:41] USAGE: /sendcookie [playerid] [amount]

[22:59:43] Searched for: "sala"

[22:59:43] 1. sala7 (ID 2)

[22:59:46] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to sala7 (ID: 2)

[22:59:46] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to sala7 (ID: 2)

[22:59:50] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}??Ę? ??? ?? ?Ń?ă

[22:59:52] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}sasori + dejan =

[22:59:53] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}0

[22:59:55] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0

[22:59:55] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[22:59:55] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[22:59:57] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}gay

[22:59:57] * Players can teleport to other players by using /pgoto (Note: /ptele to disable/enable teleport)

[22:59:57] * If you need quick money, then you can rob from other by /rob <ID>

[22:59:57] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[22:59:59] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}sex

[23:00:04] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}red + white =

[23:00:05] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}6

[23:00:06] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}???Ň ??ĺ

[23:00:08] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}black

[23:00:08] [YG]Johonny: (21) {FFFFFF}grreen

[23:00:10] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[23:00:10] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[23:00:13] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}?

[23:00:17] * deathx99 (ID:9) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:00:17] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}yellow + red =

[23:00:18] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF} 0

[23:00:19] *[YG]Ma7mOuD who want join to event plane  ?

[23:00:19] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}???Ň Ę?ĎŃ ?ŃČ?Ę? ?? ?Ń?ă ż

[23:00:21] [YG]Johonny: (21) {FFFFFF}green

[23:00:23] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}5

[23:00:24] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Mondy (ID: 13)

[23:00:24] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Mondy (ID: 13)

[23:00:24] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:00:24] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}100

[23:00:25] MEN: (6) {FFFFFF}I NEED CAKES

[23:00:26] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}orange

[23:00:26] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}Ă?Ę ??? ?? ăŐŃ?ć? -_-

[23:00:29] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}im stuck

[23:00:29] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}ok thats all

[23:00:29] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:00:34] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}now going serious on this shit

[23:00:34] Massrrww: (1) {FFFFFF}555555555

[23:00:36] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF} /mg6

[23:00:39] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}tea+water=

[23:00:40] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}??

[23:00:42] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF} 0

[23:00:43] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:00:44] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}tea

[23:00:44] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0

[23:00:46] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Mondy (ID: 13)

[23:00:46] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Mondy (ID: 13)

[23:00:48] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}lez go

[23:00:51] Negative has left Death Match 7 (/DM7) - With Kills : 26 | Deaths : 35

[23:00:52] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}OK NICE :) GIVE ME 1000 COOKIES THEN :P

[23:00:54] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}cow+leather+closet=

[23:00:58] Zerolistic has left Death Match 7 (/DM7) - With Kills : 48 | Deaths : 14

[23:00:58] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}0

[23:00:59] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 35 + 49 - 38 + 42 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:01:00] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}555

[23:01:01] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}0

[23:01:03] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 4 seconds (Ans: 88).

[23:01:03] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2779 Maths quiz.

[23:01:03] <[AV]Matty> 88

[23:01:06] *[YG]Ma7mOuD the prize will be 50 cookies

[23:01:11] * Please stop repeating yourself... no one can hear you!

[23:01:12] * johnnygamer2 (ID:18) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:01:13] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}cow+leather+closet=?

[23:01:13] * MEN (ID:6) has just saved their current position.

[23:01:15] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}4

[23:01:15] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}meee

[23:01:17] * Aironxit (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:01:19] * [xB]BlackEagle (ID:27) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:01:20] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}admins start music please

[23:01:20] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Aironxit (ID: 7)

[23:01:20] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Aironxit (ID: 7)

[23:01:21] *[YG]Ma7mOuD all join to event /sfa

[23:01:21] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}milk

[23:01:23] * Negative (ID:26) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:01:23] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}0

[23:01:24] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}lel

[23:01:24] * [xB]BlackEagle (ID:27) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:01:25] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}8bike

[23:01:28] * Aironxit (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:01:29] RAJAWI: (28) {FFFFFF}alllllllllll /sfa

[23:01:30] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}monkey + girrafe =

[23:01:30] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}*bike

[23:01:30] * Aironxit (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:01:31] * Aironxit (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:01:32] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}lets go XD

[23:01:32] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}milk

[23:01:33] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}lion

[23:01:33] * [BK]AL3araby (ID:11) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:01:33] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}0

[23:01:34] * Zerolistic (ID:23) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:01:34] *[YG]Ma7mOuD all join to event /sfa

[23:01:37] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Mondy (ID: 13)

[23:01:37] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Mondy (ID: 13)

[23:01:39] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}??ĺ Ń??? ??Ř? ??ĘŃ? ?? ??Ě?

[23:01:40] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}??? ????Ę ?? ??Ď? ŢŐŃ [[Fakss]]

[23:01:42] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}ă? Ďć?

[23:01:43] You have sent 10 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:01:43] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 10 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:01:45] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}???

[23:01:45] * Aironxit (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:01:46] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}good one lol

[23:01:52] * Aironxit (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:01:52] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:01:56] *[YG]Ma7mOuD anyone want to come /sfa

[23:01:57] * Aironxit (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:01:57] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}:D

[23:01:57] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}genius + retard =

[23:01:57] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}chett

[23:01:59] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}milk 

[23:01:59] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}9999999999999999

[23:02:02] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}0

[23:02:03] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:02:03] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:02:04] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Challenge accepted

[23:02:07] * [xB]BlackEagle is on a killing spree! (Kills : 10) (Reward : $10000)

[23:02:08] *Ahmed. BACK

[23:02:09] * Administrator Snake has given 100000 Cookie(s) to Snake. Snake have 110116 Cookies in total.

[23:02:09] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}why ?

[23:02:17] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}me answer was right

[23:02:17] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}XD

[23:02:18] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}ChettaH + LeGGGeNNda =

[23:02:19] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}:P

[23:02:20] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}0 

[23:02:22] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}gay

[23:02:22] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}brothers

[23:02:24] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:02:25] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}0000000000000000000000000000

[23:02:26] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Mondy (ID: 13)

[23:02:26] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Mondy (ID: 13)

[23:02:27] [YG]Johonny: (21) {FFFFFF}relog

[23:02:28] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}i want cookies XD

[23:02:28] *** [YG]Johonny (21) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:02:29] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}i lost you

[23:02:30] * Aironxit (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:02:32] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}0   

[23:02:38] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Snake + Jono =

[23:02:38] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}??ĺ ăĘ??Ď

[23:02:39] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}i need help admin

[23:02:40] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}gays

[23:02:41] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0

[23:02:41] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}0   

[23:02:42] PM From Massrrww(1): How to Save my acc

[23:02:42] * [AER]masterpro35 (ID:5) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:02:44] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:02:44] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:02:44] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:02:44] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}gay

[23:02:45] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 39 + 38 - 48 + 49 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:02:46] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}0           

[23:02:49] *[YG]Ma7mOuD el3araby won

[23:02:50] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ć?? ??Ń?ă ?Ě?Č?? Ř??Ńĺ ĺ?? ż :3

[23:02:51] johnnygamer2: (18) {FFFFFF}hahahahahahahahahah

[23:02:53] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:02:54] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Matty + someone =

[23:02:55] * New to the server? Use /commands for a list of commands and features.

[23:02:55] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}gay

[23:02:56] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}0     

[23:02:56] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}??

[23:03:04] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

[23:03:05] *** Uriel (29) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:03:07] * [BK]AL3araby (ID:11) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:03:08] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}noob

[23:03:08] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}brothers

[23:03:09] * [YG]Ma7mOuD (ID: 17) has transfered 50 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[23:03:10] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}i want another plane event

[23:03:10] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[23:03:10] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[23:03:16] * Negative (ID:26) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:03:17] *Aironxit want another plane event

[23:03:17] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}weho

[23:03:25] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}mobile phone + laptop =?

[23:03:26] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}0       

[23:03:28] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}huh

[23:03:30] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}apple

[23:03:30] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}apple

[23:03:31] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}ipad

[23:03:33] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:03:33] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:03:33] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}apple

[23:03:33] * [xB]BlackEagle is on a killing spree! (Kills : 15) (Reward : $15000)

[23:03:34] * johnnygamer2 (ID:18) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:03:35] ** [YG]Spark [Id:16] has joined the server.

[23:03:35] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}ahahahah

[23:03:37] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

[23:03:39] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}wb

[23:03:42] ** zlajo10117 [Id:21] has joined the server.

[23:03:46] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}playstation + xbox =

[23:03:47] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}sony

[23:03:48] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}spark junior

[23:03:48] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}heheh

[23:03:50] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}wii

[23:03:51] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:03:51] Negative: (26) {FFFFFF}dont mix

[23:03:53] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[23:03:53] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[23:04:01] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Negative + Positive =

[23:04:01] *** Ahmed. (24) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:04:03] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Ola Sparks

[23:04:03] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}samsung

[23:04:04] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}wb

[23:04:04] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}-

[23:04:05] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0

[23:04:05] * johnnygamer2 (ID:18) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:04:05] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}0

[23:04:09] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Aironxit (ID: 7)

[23:04:09] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Aironxit (ID: 7)

[23:04:17] * Lubp1 (ID:15) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:04:18] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Awh shit

[23:04:18] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}hahaha

[23:04:20] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Sam

[23:04:22] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}xD

[23:04:23] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Grox + Trevor =

[23:04:25] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 34 + 44 - 44 + 33 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:04:26] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}gays

[23:04:28] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}brothers

[23:04:29] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Free kills for ya B.E

[23:04:29] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}me

[23:04:30] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}:P

[23:04:30] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:04:30] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:04:32] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0

[23:04:34] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}:D

[23:04:36] * ChettaH (ID:12) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:04:38] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Koro + Dejan =

[23:04:39] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:04:40] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}0                 

[23:04:42] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0

[23:04:43] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}sex

[23:04:43] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}hhhhhhhhhh

[23:04:47] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}pornj

[23:04:47] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:04:47] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:04:50] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:04:50] * johnnygamer2 (ID:18) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:04:51] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}B|

[23:04:54] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}:p

[23:04:58] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:04:59] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}wat

[23:05:01] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:05:01] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}???Ő ??? :D

[23:05:02] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Chettah + Koro =

[23:05:03] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}nerd

[23:05:03] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}0

[23:05:07] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}hhhhhhhhh

[23:05:09] * MEN (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:05:09] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}x2

[23:05:09] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}nvm

[23:05:10] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}big 0

[23:05:11] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Rocks!

[23:05:13] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:05:13] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:05:13] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}back

[23:05:14] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}loool

[23:05:16] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}i found a bug

[23:05:19] [YG]Nokia: (25) {FFFFFF}wb

[23:05:19] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:05:20] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}What bug?

[23:05:21] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}spark+nokia=

[23:05:21] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}thanks

[23:05:23] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}hhhhhh is good

[23:05:23] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}nerds

[23:05:24] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}anti fall of on bicks

[23:05:24] * MEN (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:05:27] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Yo Sparks

[23:05:28] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}wb

[23:05:29] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}ME + Nokia

[23:05:29] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}o.O

[23:05:30] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:05:31] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}hhhhhhhh :D

[23:05:32] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Thanks

[23:05:34] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Mondy (ID: 13)

[23:05:34] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Mondy (ID: 13)

[23:05:34] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0

[23:05:36] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Broken Nokia

[23:05:37] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}lily

[23:05:39] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}wb sparkay

[23:05:39] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:05:40] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}How ?

[23:05:41] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:05:41] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:05:41] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Me + Nokia = Samsung

[23:05:42] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}loool

[23:05:44] * MEN (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:05:45] * At YG, players can buy special stuffs, type /donatorhelp (/dhelp) for more help/information.

[23:05:45] * Zerolistic (ID:23) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:05:47] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}broken nokia ftw xD

[23:05:48] ** yuossef [Id:24] has joined the server.

[23:05:50] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}wb sparkay

[23:05:54] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Thanks

[23:05:55] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}wb sparkay  Xd

[23:05:55] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:05:56] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}WB WB WB WB

[23:05:57] Zerolistic: (23) {FFFFFF}wb spark :D

[23:05:58] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}how snake how?

[23:05:59] * MEN (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:06:00] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Thankz

[23:06:03] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Audi + Lamborghini =

[23:06:06] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:06:06] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 49 + 45 - 45 + 36 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:06:08] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}VEHS

[23:06:08] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}ferrari

[23:06:08] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}dammit

[23:06:08] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}cars

[23:06:12] ** viniciosdall [Id:29] has joined the server.

[23:06:12] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Mondy (ID: 13)

[23:06:12] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Mondy (ID: 13)

[23:06:14] *** Zerolistic (23) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:06:17] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}w

[23:06:17] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}95

[23:06:19] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 12 seconds (Ans: 85).

[23:06:19] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2780 Maths quiz.

[23:06:19] <[AV]Matty> 85

[23:06:20] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}85

[23:06:26] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}red + blue =

[23:06:30] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}black

[23:06:31] ** medo [Id:23] has joined the server.

[23:06:31] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}GREEN

[23:06:31] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Yellow

[23:06:33] * ChettaH (ID:12) has just saved their current position.

[23:06:33] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}failed

[23:06:34] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}white :D

[23:06:35] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:06:35] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:06:35] * You earned $16000 from your properties!

[23:06:37] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}:D

[23:06:41] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}??Ę ???

[23:06:42] *** yuossef (24) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:06:44] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Gotta remember this place

[23:06:46] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}Ě???

[23:06:47] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}retard+abuser+admin =

[23:06:49] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}555555555

[23:06:50] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0

[23:06:50] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}me

[23:06:51] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}level

[23:06:51] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Tpp

[23:06:54] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:06:54] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:06:55] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}xDDDDD

[23:06:57] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}What are you guys doing hereE?

[23:06:59] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}good one

[23:07:01] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}nth

[23:07:05] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Ramping

[23:07:05] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}??? ??Ę ???

[23:07:07] *** [BK]AL3araby (11) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:07:09] DISPATCH: (ROBBERY) Suspect: MEN(6) has robbed deathx99(9) Location: Regular Tom

[23:07:11] YG-INFO: medo (ID:23) has been automatically kicked from the server (Reason: Failed to login)

[23:07:11] *** medo (23) has left the server (Kicked/Banned)

[23:07:12] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:07:14] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Matty + retard + abuser + LeGGGeNNda =

[23:07:16] *** viniciosdall (29) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:07:17] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}gays

[23:07:19] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}:D

[23:07:20] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}me

[23:07:20] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}friends

[23:07:21] * [YG]Ma7mOuD (ID:17) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:07:24] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}tsk

[23:07:24] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:07:24] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:07:26] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}LOOOL

[23:07:26] * johnnygamer2 (ID:18) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:07:29] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}xDD

[23:07:30] Negative: (26) {FFFFFF}vcall 2

[23:07:31] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}dat hjump tho

[23:07:32] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:07:35] ** [BK]AL3araby [Id:11] has joined the server.

[23:07:37] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}wb

[23:07:38] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}ramping + boost =

[23:07:41] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}wb al3araby

[23:07:41] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}friends

[23:07:42] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}sex

[23:07:42] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}5

[23:07:42] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Speed

[23:07:43] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}spark

[23:07:46] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 43 + 48 - 31 + 41 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:07:47] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Yes Snake?

[23:07:48] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:07:48] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:07:49] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}TY BRO

[23:07:51] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}91

[23:07:53] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}81

[23:07:54] * [BK]AL3araby (ID:11) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:07:55] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}im disapointed

[23:07:55] **[xB]BlackEagle has successfully solved a task in 9 seconds (Ans: 101).

[23:07:55] * [xB]BlackEagle has answered a total of 1805 Maths quiz.

[23:07:55] <[xB]BlackEagle> 101

[23:07:56] DISPATCH: (ROBBERY) Suspect: MEN(6) has robbed deathx99(9) Location: Bone County

[23:07:58] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}ahh xD

[23:07:58] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Why?

[23:07:58] * [YG]Ma7mOuD (ID:17) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:07:59] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}91

[23:08:03] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}duck + fuck =

[23:08:03] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}:D

[23:08:05] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0

[23:08:07] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}hmm, your hacks

[23:08:07] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Women

[23:08:07] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}sex

[23:08:07] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}snake

[23:08:07] ** 20estrupar [Id:23] has joined the server.

[23:08:09] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}fuckfuck

[23:08:09] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}DUDE

[23:08:12] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}fuckin duck ?

[23:08:13] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}What hacks? --

[23:08:13] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:08:13] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:08:14] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}What hacks? -.-

[23:08:16] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}??? Ę???? lva

[23:08:16] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}hahah

[23:08:17] * Lubp1 (ID:15) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:08:19] * Magdy20 (ID:4) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:08:19] * kaarimxprinnceppv (ID:19) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:08:21] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}idk

[23:08:22] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}funk + fuck =

[23:08:24] ** XxDeadGamerxX [Id:24] has joined the server.

[23:08:24] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}SEX

[23:08:25] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:08:25] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}0

[23:08:26] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[23:08:26] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[23:08:28] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Emoz

[23:08:29] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Seriously. You would ban me by now if I'm actually hacking.

[23:08:31] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}LOL

[23:08:33] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}emo + nerd =

[23:08:34] * Check out our latest DMs and Derby! (/dm1, /dm2, /dm3, /dm4, /dm5, /derby1, /derby2, /derby3)

[23:08:38] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}What makes you think that he wont?

[23:08:38] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}SEXY

[23:08:39] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}gays ?w

[23:08:41] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}I know you. -.-

[23:08:41] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}xD, chill out

[23:08:45] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}?Ń?Č

[23:08:45] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Aironxit (ID: 7)

[23:08:45] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Aironxit (ID: 7)

[23:08:46] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}?ĚŃ?

[23:08:47] *** johnnygamer2 (18) has left the server (Timeout)

[23:08:49] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}Č?Ń?ĺ

[23:08:49] [YG]Ma7mOuD: (17) {FFFFFF}SORRY

[23:08:52] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Snake + Cobra =

[23:08:56] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}noobs

[23:08:57] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Simon

[23:08:58] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}BROS

[23:08:58] * Massrrww (ID:1) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:08:58] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}gays ?

[23:09:00] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}broz

[23:09:00] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[23:09:00] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 11)

[23:09:03] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}dam

[23:09:04] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Fail

[23:09:05] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}?Ř?? ??ŃČĺă

[23:09:13] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ćŢ? Řĺ :3

[23:09:15] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Guys get infernus and follow me

[23:09:18] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}YonatanVTK + Mortalis =

[23:09:20] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}0                                                                                               

[23:09:21] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}We're gonna ramp somewhere cool

[23:09:25] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:09:25] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 44 + 36 - 47 + 42 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:09:27] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Friends

[23:09:29] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 3 seconds (Ans: 75).

[23:09:29] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2781 Maths quiz.

[23:09:29] <[AV]Matty> 75

[23:09:30] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}BROS TOO

[23:09:31] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}ăĚĎ? ??ă? /ptele ?ă?Ę??? Ţć??

[23:09:31] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}legenda

[23:09:32] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:09:32] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:09:33] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}?

[23:09:40] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}dog + cat =

[23:09:43] ** [YG]the_one [Id:18] has joined the server.

[23:09:43] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}can i be your friend ?

[23:09:44] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}No body will hit me! I will never get down

[23:09:45] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Shecat

[23:09:45] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}wb the one

[23:09:46] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}gays

[23:09:46] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}mouse

[23:09:46] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}:PP

[23:09:50] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:09:50] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:09:50] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}wb Warning

[23:09:53] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}?Ń?Č ??Ř??Ń? Č?Ń??


[23:09:54] * MEN (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:09:56] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}i want to go with you

[23:09:56] [YG]the_one: (18) {FFFFFF}ty

[23:09:57] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}warning + spark =

[23:09:58] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}np

[23:09:59] *** Gamer24 (31) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:10:01] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}kick

[23:10:02] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}bros

[23:10:03] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}ban'

[23:10:04] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Superman :D

[23:10:07] PM From [YG]Ma7mOuD(17): WHY ARE YOU SENDING cookies ?

[23:10:07] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:10:07] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:10:09] [YG]the_one: (18) {FFFFFF}xD

[23:10:11] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}ăĚĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎĎ?

[23:10:12] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Thanks for the cookiez

[23:10:14] PM To [YG]Ma7mOuD(17): for fun

[23:10:16] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Huh, the guy who owns me a promotion is back

[23:10:19] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Wb warner

[23:10:20] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}fun + not fun =

[23:10:20] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}bros

[23:10:25] ** Edel_Ramirez [Id:29] has joined the server.

[23:10:25] PM From [YG]Ma7mOuD(17): ok enjoy

[23:10:26] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Silly

[23:10:27] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}0

[23:10:28] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}boring

[23:10:29] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}normal life

[23:10:29] [YG]the_one: (18) {FFFFFF}ty legg

[23:10:30] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}id 1 car kill at lva

[23:10:30] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Mondy (ID: 13)

[23:10:30] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Mondy (ID: 13)

[23:10:31] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}SPIDERMAN

[23:10:31] * MEN (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:10:32] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}angry

[23:10:41] *** XxDeadGamerxX (24) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:10:44] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}YG + no haxors =

[23:10:49] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Cleab

[23:10:51] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}great :D

[23:10:52] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Clean*

[23:10:52] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Sweet mother of ramps

[23:10:54] *** [BK]AL3araby (11) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:10:55] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:10:55] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}clean

[23:10:55] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:10:55] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:10:56] zlajo10117: (21) {FFFFFF}7t

[23:10:56] *** wojterPL (0) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:10:59] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}:D

[23:11:00] * MEN (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:11:03] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}mother + fucker =

[23:11:04] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 39 + 34 - 37 + 42 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:11:06] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}sex

[23:11:07] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}ăĚĎ?

[23:11:08] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:11:08] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0

[23:11:08] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Potato

[23:11:09] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}motherfucker

[23:11:10] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:11:10] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:11:13] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}Ę???? ?Ń?Č ??Ů

[23:11:13] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:11:13] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:11:14] *[YG]Ma7mOuD who need help ?

[23:11:17] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:11:18] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}me

[23:11:21] * Check out the largest Minigun event on the server! (/mg7) - BigSmoke's Crackden Minigun Game -

[23:11:22] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}train + dumper =

[23:11:23] ** Pero_RapBoy [Id:0] has joined the server.

[23:11:24] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Potato

[23:11:28] [YG]the_one: (18) {FFFFFF}naaaa

[23:11:28] ** [BK]AL3araby [Id:11] has joined the server.

[23:11:29] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}me

[23:11:29] ** johnnygamer2 [Id:24] has joined the server.

[23:11:30] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Train dumper

[23:11:30] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0 ?

[23:11:31] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}Ęă

[23:11:31] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:11:33] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:11:33] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:11:33] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}cheese

[23:11:34] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}wb al3araby

[23:11:35] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}????

[23:11:38] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:11:38] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:11:38] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}?ĚŃ? -_-

[23:11:39] ** [YG]Johonny [Id:31] has joined the server.

[23:11:41] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:11:42] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}wb johonny

[23:11:43] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}cheese + potato =

[23:11:44] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}cheeseburger

[23:11:45] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}wb

[23:11:47] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Potato 

[23:11:47] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}i want to change my color car

[23:11:47] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}ty spark 3>

[23:11:48] [YG]Johonny: (31) {FFFFFF}ty

[23:11:49] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:11:49] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:11:51] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}sandwisht

[23:11:54] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}?Ń?Č Č?Ń??

[23:11:57] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Potato + annoying orange =

[23:11:58] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}sex and the city 2

[23:11:59] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Potato   

[23:12:01] Mondy: (13) {FFFFFF}0

[23:12:03] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Or..

[23:12:03] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}HAM

[23:12:04] *** zlajo10117 (21) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:12:04] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}??Č? ??ăŃ? ?Ń?Č

[23:12:04] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}jusi

[23:12:07] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:12:07] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:12:11] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Oh wait

[23:12:12] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}It was YAM

[23:12:16] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ă??Ę? ???Ň

[23:12:16] Pero_RapBoy: (0) {FFFFFF}imal nas

[23:12:17] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}yam + ham =

[23:12:19] ** Ahmed. [Id:21] has joined the server.

[23:12:21] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}yamham

[23:12:21] * johnnygamer2 (ID:24) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:12:22] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}Ęă ??? ă?Ę?? ?Čćĺă

[23:12:22] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}ham

[23:12:24] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:12:25] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}I AM A YAM AND THAt's ALL I YAM

[23:12:26] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:12:26] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:12:28] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}The retard drivers family is here

[23:12:29] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ć ???ĺ ??Ęĺă ??ĺă ?ć?Ď?

[23:12:29] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}LOOOOOOL

[23:12:31] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}^^

[23:12:32] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}bike

[23:12:33] * MEN (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:12:38] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}Leg xD

[23:12:42] Pero_RapBoy: (0) {FFFFFF}imal nas-

[23:12:43] DISPATCH: (ROBBERY) Suspect: MEN(6) has robbed RAJAWI(28) Location: Fort Carson

[23:12:44] * Aironxit (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:12:44] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 46 + 40 - 41 + 32 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:12:45] Pero_RapBoy: (0) {FFFFFF}imal nas.

[23:12:46] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}retard drivers family + LeGGGeNNda =

[23:12:49] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}0

[23:12:52] **[xB]BlackEagle has successfully solved a task in 7 seconds (Ans: 77).

[23:12:52] * [xB]BlackEagle has answered a total of 1806 Maths quiz.

[23:12:52] <[xB]BlackEagle> 77

[23:12:52] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}yg down

[23:12:55] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}trap in a ramp

[23:12:56] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:12:56] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:13:03] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Snake (ID: 22)

[23:13:03] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Snake (ID: 22)

[23:13:04] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Logic + SA?

[23:13:04] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:13:07] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}me

[23:13:07] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}looooooooooooooooooooooooooool

[23:13:09] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ć ??Ę ??Ę Ň? ???ŃŐ ČĘĚŃ? [[Fakss]]

[23:13:11] * Negative (ID:26) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:13:13] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Sa Logic

[23:13:17] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Ape + human =

[23:13:20] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}spark

[23:13:21] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Fuck Logic

[23:13:22] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:13:22] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:13:22] [BK]AL3araby: (11) {FFFFFF}55

[23:13:23] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:13:24] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Who needs it

[23:13:24] 20estrupar: (23) {FFFFFF}baguvix

[23:13:25] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}._.

[23:13:25] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Yes legggennda?

[23:13:29] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}nothing just the answer

[23:13:29] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Ape human

[23:13:31] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}warning get me plz

[23:13:32] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}spark + ape + human =

[23:13:36] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}matty

[23:13:38] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0

[23:13:38] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Fish

[23:13:40] * johnnygamer2 (ID:24) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:13:41] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:13:41] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:13:43] *** [BK]AL3araby (11) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:13:43] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}haha

[23:13:54] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}fish + spark + ape + monkey =

[23:13:55] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:13:58] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0 ?

[23:14:00] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Donkey

[23:14:00] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}???? Ě?ĺ ż

[23:14:02] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Fispapmon

[23:14:04] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}._.

[23:14:05] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:14:06] * [YG]Ma7mOuD (ID:17) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:14:07] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:14:07] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:14:07] ** [YG]Spark (ID:16) has been automatically kicked from the server! (Reason : CMD spam)

[23:14:07] *** Edel_Ramirez (29) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:14:07] *** [YG]Spark (16) has left the server (Kicked/Banned)

[23:14:09] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}?? ??? Č?Ţć?ć ?ă?

[23:14:11] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Warning

[23:14:12] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}^^

[23:14:14] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}fish + spark + ape + monkey + donkey =

[23:14:15] Ahmed.: (21) {FFFFFF}MODY RIDE

[23:14:17] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}warning get me plz

[23:14:17] * Check out the largest Minigun event on the server! (/mg7) - BigSmoke's Crackden Minigun Game -

[23:14:18] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}:D

[23:14:18] *[YG]Ma7mOuD Bye all

[23:14:19] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Fuck this shit

[23:14:19] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Promote me first, then crash me :@

[23:14:20] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}:D

[23:14:24] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 49 + 43 - 48 + 42 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:14:25] ** [.i.]Revolver [Id:11] has joined the server.

[23:14:25] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}bye

[23:14:27] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Come here you dump shit

[23:14:27] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to kaarimxprinnceppv (ID: 19)

[23:14:27] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to kaarimxprinnceppv (ID: 19)

[23:14:29] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:14:29] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:14:31] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 6 seconds (Ans: 86).

[23:14:31] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2782 Maths quiz.

[23:14:31] <[AV]Matty> 86

[23:14:32] ** [YG]Spark [Id:16] has joined the server.

[23:14:32] Ahmed.: (21) {FFFFFF}mody

[23:14:35] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}wb

[23:14:36] *** [YG]Ma7mOuD (17) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:14:36] Pero_RapBoy: (0) {FFFFFF}imal nas iz bosne hrvetske ili srbije

[23:14:39] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Me + Porn =

[23:14:40] * Aironxit (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:14:42] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Thankz

[23:14:42] [YG]the_one: (18) {FFFFFF}wb spark xD

[23:14:43] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}SEX

[23:14:43] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}blackeagler

[23:14:44] [YG]Nokia: (25) {FFFFFF}wb spark

[23:14:44] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Thanks*

[23:14:45] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}sexy

[23:14:45] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:14:46] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}?Ę???ŢĘ ă? ćŃ?Ď ?ć? ?? ć ?ĘŘŃĎĘ 4 ăŃ?Ę ????? [[8abyy9]]

[23:14:48] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:14:48] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:14:51] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}LOL

[23:14:53] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}fap fap fap

[23:14:54] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}:D

[23:14:56] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}xD!!

[23:14:57] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}HapPenis

[23:14:57] ** Dawshaaaaa [Id:17] has joined the server.

[23:14:58] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}???

[23:15:00] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}me + legggennda =

[23:15:00] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}thx

[23:15:02] * MEN (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:15:02] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Warning

[23:15:03] * johnnygamer2 (ID:24) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:15:07] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:15:07] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:15:08] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Abuse

[23:15:10] YG-INFO: Administrator "[YG]the_one" has given "ChettaH" a warning.  (Reason: lang !) (Warning: 1/3)***

[23:15:12] * Lubp1 (ID:15) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:15:13] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:15:14] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:15:16] Pero_RapBoy: (0) {FFFFFF}this srw sucks

[23:15:19] ** rifton [Id:29] has joined the server.

[23:15:24] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}the_one + Chettah =

[23:15:24] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Quit if you dnt like

[23:15:26] *** 20estrupar (23) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:15:27] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}Karim :D

[23:15:29] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}nokia

[23:15:30] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Bros

[23:15:32] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:15:32] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:15:41] ** fork [Id:23] has joined the server.

[23:15:41] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}????????????????????????????????????? :D

[23:15:45] *** [.i.]Revolver (11) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:15:46] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Warning

[23:15:46] Pero_RapBoy: (0) {FFFFFF}i will duck your mothers and sisters

[23:15:47] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Grox + Simon =

[23:15:49] [YG]the_one: (18) {FFFFFF}?

[23:15:49] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Samsung

[23:15:51] * kaarimxprinnceppv (ID:19) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:15:52] YG INFO - Pero_RapBoy (ID:0) has been banned by Administrator LeGGGeNNdA (ID:10) [Reason: im sure]

[23:15:52] *** Pero_RapBoy (0) has left the server (Kicked/Banned)

[23:15:53] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:15:53] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:15:54] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Special time

[23:15:55] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}loool

[23:15:57] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}lolol

[23:15:59] [YG]Johonny: (31) {FFFFFF}relog

[23:16:00] *** [YG]Johonny (31) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:16:02] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ĺ?Ř?? ?ćŢ ?Ň?? ?? [[8abyy11]]

[23:16:03] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Grox + anything = Special time

[23:16:03] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 48 + 35 - 37 + 41 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:16:05] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Sony

[23:16:05] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}johonny + relog =

[23:16:06] * kaarimxprinnceppv (ID:19) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:16:06] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Warning

[23:16:06] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:16:08] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Because Grox is a hooker

[23:16:09] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:16:09] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}sfa

[23:16:10] [YG]the_one: (18) {FFFFFF}??

[23:16:12] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Rape time

[23:16:13] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:16:13] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:16:13] ** [YG]Johonny [Id:0] has joined the server.

[23:16:14] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Come here

[23:16:14] * MoDy (ID:30) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:16:14] * kaarimxprinnceppv (ID:19) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:16:23] * Dawshaaaaa (ID:17) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:16:25] **[xB]BlackEagle has successfully solved a task in 21 seconds (Ans: 87).

[23:16:25] * [xB]BlackEagle has answered a total of 1807 Maths quiz.

[23:16:25] <[xB]BlackEagle> 87

[23:16:27] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:16:28] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}wb

[23:16:29] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}honey + jam =

[23:16:30] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}ăĚĎ? ?ć ??Ę Ń?Ě? Ę???? fa

[23:16:31] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}Ę???ě ?Ńć? Č?Ę? :3

[23:16:33] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}admin when i type sfa i dont go to sfa whay i do

[23:16:35] RAJAWI: (28) {FFFFFF}?sfa

[23:16:35] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}sandwitch

[23:16:37] * MEN (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:16:39] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}LOL

[23:16:40] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Bread

[23:16:41] *** rifton (29) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:16:42] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Aironxit (ID: 7)

[23:16:42] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Aironxit (ID: 7)

[23:16:44] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:16:47] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:16:48] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}Č?Ţć?? ă?ĘćČĺ Ű?Ř

[23:16:50] Massrrww: (1) {FFFFFF}we b3den

[23:16:50] * Negative (ID:26) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:16:51] *** fork (23) has left the server (Timeout)

[23:16:53] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}shemale + male + female =

[23:16:53] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Matt

[23:16:59] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:16:59] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:16:59] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Sexy guy

[23:17:00] *** [YG]Spark (16) has left the server (Timeout)

[23:17:00] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}sex

[23:17:00] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}loool

[23:17:01] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Go post this game in forums

[23:17:01] ** PLAYER7 [Id:11] has joined the server.

[23:17:01] * MoDy is on a killing spree! (Kills : 5) (Reward : $5000)

[23:17:10] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}snake

[23:17:10] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Rather than the name change bullshit

[23:17:11] * Non Admins can spawn Temparory vehicles by using the command /v <vehicle name>

[23:17:11] ** [YG]Spark [Id:16] has joined the server.

[23:17:12] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}post this

[23:17:13] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}=D

[23:17:14] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}wb

[23:17:15] * [AER]masterpro35 (ID:5) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:17:15] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}but i dont know the mechanics lol

[23:17:15] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}xD

[23:17:16] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}Karim :D

[23:17:19] [YG]the_one: (18) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:17:20] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:17:22] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:17:23] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:17:23] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}they are just fucked up xD

[23:17:24] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}snake now run

[23:17:24] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}Ďć???????

[23:17:24] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}:@

[23:17:24] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}brb

[23:17:27] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Exactly

[23:17:28] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:17:28] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}Ďć??

[23:17:29] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}??Ę ??? ??Ř?

[23:17:33] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}this game + again =?

[23:17:34] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Name it [GAME]Fucked up math

[23:17:35] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ăă?? ĘĎ??? ă??ć? :D

[23:17:36] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:17:40] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}or sth

[23:17:41] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:17:42] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}SA

[23:17:45] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 40 + 30 - 45 + 42 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:17:45] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}Magdy , Homa 200K [[8abyy]]

[23:17:47] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}ban

[23:17:48] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 3 seconds (Ans: 67).

[23:17:48] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2783 Maths quiz.

[23:17:48] <[AV]Matty> 67

[23:17:50] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Gta V

[23:17:51] * Please stop repeating yourself... no one can hear you!

[23:17:51] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:17:51] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:17:52] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}:v

[23:17:53] * MEN (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:17:55] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:17:55] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:17:56] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ĺ?Ę ?? ??Ěĺ [[Fakss]]

[23:17:59] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}^^

[23:18:00] * MoDy (ID:30) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:18:02] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}okay il do it lol?

[23:18:05] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}-.-

[23:18:08] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}ć ĺ?Ę ?ć?? ?? Ďć?? :D

[23:18:09] [YG]the_one: (18) {FFFFFF}hahahahaha

[23:18:10] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}You beech :@

[23:18:10] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Fail

[23:18:11] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:18:12] * kaarimxprinnceppv (ID:1

Offline BlackEagle

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  • In Game: [wL]BlackEagle
Re: Funny Chatlog Quiz lol
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2014, 02:59:44 AM »
Nice Time B)

Do it again bro ;) xD!!

Offline Mattyˇ

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Re: Funny Chatlog Quiz lol
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2014, 03:06:12 AM »
ah couldnt fit it all so heres more

[23:18:13] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Mordekaiser es number uno

[23:18:13] * kaarimxprinnceppv (ID:19) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:18:15] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}huehuehuehuehuehue

[23:18:16] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}hahaha

[23:18:19] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}hahhahaahha

[23:18:20] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}cage + prison + homos =

[23:18:21] ** Tito [Id:23] has joined the server.

[23:18:23] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0

[23:18:24] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}WWE

[23:18:25] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}warnng and nokia

[23:18:25] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}Ę???ě Ě?ăČ 4 ??Ń?ă

[23:18:26] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:18:28] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:18:28] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:18:28] * MEN (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:18:32] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:18:32] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Dam

[23:18:33] You have sent 10 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:18:33] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 10 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:18:34] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:18:34] [YG]Nokia: (25) {FFFFFF}what?

[23:18:36] kaarimxprinnceppv: (19) {FFFFFF}ă? Ń??? ?Ńć? ?? ?Ę? ĺŢ?? ć Ě?

[23:18:36] * MoDy (ID:30) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:18:39] *** kaarimxprinnceppv (19) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:18:40] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}thats a good one :DDD

[23:18:42] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}warning

[23:18:42] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:18:42] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:18:43] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}hahaah

[23:18:44] * Negative (ID:26) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:18:47] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}??

[23:18:47] YG-INFO: Tito (ID:23) has been automatically kicked from the server (Reason: Failed to login)

[23:18:47] *** Tito (23) has left the server (Kicked/Banned)

[23:18:47] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}hahahahahh]

[23:18:48] ** 7HeaveN [Id:19] has joined the server.

[23:18:52] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Wait for uis

[23:18:52] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}wrestler + female =

[23:18:57] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Deva

[23:18:58] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}sexxx

[23:19:00] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Diva*

[23:19:03] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Ahh

[23:19:03] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:19:03] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:19:04] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:19:06] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}how do i make money

[23:19:08] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Where are you warner bros?

[23:19:08] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}24:00 Time to fap fap

[23:19:10] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}SHIT

[23:19:13] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}aironxit

[23:19:14] * MoDy (ID:30) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:19:15] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}fap + legggennda =

[23:19:15] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}SEX :O

[23:19:16] * MEN (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:19:17] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:19:18] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}heaven

[23:19:19] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Aweseom

[23:19:21] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}warning

[23:19:23] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:19:23] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:19:24] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 30 + 32 - 31 + 40 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:19:26] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}sexy manw

[23:19:27] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 2 seconds (Ans: 71).

[23:19:27] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2784 Maths quiz.

[23:19:27] <[AV]Matty> 71

[23:19:29] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:19:30] * Massrrww (ID:1) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:19:32] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}ye dude

[23:19:33] USAGE: /sendcookie [playerid] [amount]

[23:19:34] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:19:34] ** fork [Id:23] has joined the server.

[23:19:35] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}I give up catching up.

[23:19:36] ** kaarimxprinnceppv [Id:29] has joined the server.

[23:19:37] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}matty + 71 =

[23:19:40] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}0

[23:19:40] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}fap fap fpa

[23:19:41] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}69

[23:19:41] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:19:42] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}71

[23:19:42] * You have Spawned a "NRG-500" (Model: 522) with Colours: 119,64

[23:19:44] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}MATHy

[23:19:47] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}warning 

[23:19:47] * Massrrww (ID:1) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:19:47] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:19:47] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:19:51] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}:DD

[23:19:52] * MEN is on a killing spree! (Kills : 5) (Reward : $5000)

[23:19:55] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}the_one

[23:19:58] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}69+2 =

[23:19:59] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:19:59] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:19:59] * Tired of getting killed always? Try /skillhelp to know some interesting facts about increasing weapon powers.

[23:20:01] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Hes not the one anymore

[23:20:01] * Massrrww (ID:1) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:20:01] [YG]the_one: (18) {FFFFFF}yes

[23:20:02] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}91

[23:20:02] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}98

[23:20:04] * Aironxit (ID:7) has just saved their current position.


[23:20:06] [***] [AER]masterpro35 is now a Bus driver

[23:20:07] * ChettaH (ID:12) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:20:07] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]the_one (ID: 18)

[23:20:07] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]the_one (ID: 18)

[23:20:08] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:20:13] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:20:16] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}yes+ the_one =

[23:20:20] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Nope

[23:20:21] [YG]Johonny: (0) {FFFFFF}yes

[23:20:24] You have sent 1 Cookie(s) to [YG]Johonny (ID: 0)

[23:20:24] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 1 Cookie(s) to [YG]Johonny (ID: 0)

[23:20:25] You have sent 3 Cookie(s) to [YG]Johonny (ID: 0)

[23:20:25] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 3 Cookie(s) to [YG]Johonny (ID: 0)

[23:20:26] [YG]Johonny: (0) {FFFFFF}xD

[23:20:31] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}Ę??ă :D

[23:20:33] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Finally O-o

[23:20:35] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}xD + Johonny =

[23:20:35] * MoDy (ID:30) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:20:36] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:20:38] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:20:39] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}<33

[23:20:40] [YG]Johonny: (0) {FFFFFF} xD

[23:20:43] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:20:43] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:20:44] * MEN (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:20:45] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}??Ę ??? ?? ăĚĎ? ??Ę ć Ďć??

[23:20:47] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:20:49] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}Ě?ăČ4

[23:20:50] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}.kick 18 dont evade rape beech :@



















































[23:20:53] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}xD + <3 =

[23:20:53] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}lawl

[23:20:55] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:20:58] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:20:58] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:20:58] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}wow

[23:20:58] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}Ę?Ę Ě?ăČ 4

[23:20:58] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}xD!!

[23:21:00] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}such legg

[23:21:01] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}much fail

[23:21:01] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}??Ď?Ń ?Ě? sfa

[23:21:02] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Nobody saw that huh? :P

[23:21:03] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 31 + 42 - 44 + 41 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:21:06] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}I did

[23:21:06] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}fail + legggennda =

[23:21:10] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}cac

[23:21:10] **[xB]BlackEagle has successfully solved a task in 6 seconds (Ans: 70).

[23:21:10] * [xB]BlackEagle has answered a total of 1808 Maths quiz.

[23:21:10] <[xB]BlackEagle> 70

[23:21:10] * Massrrww (ID:1) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:21:10] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}fn

[23:21:11] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}ban

[23:21:12] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}Betnot Ezay :D

[23:21:12] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}??ĺ [[8abyy9]]

[23:21:13] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:21:13] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Fun

[23:21:14] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}to matty

[23:21:14] * MoDy (ID:30) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:21:17] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:21:17] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:21:18] * Lubp1 (ID:15) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:21:19] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}h

[23:21:20] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}Erkab Waraya :D

[23:21:21] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Cookies.

[23:21:24] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Fun + Spark =

[23:21:27] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}qwerty

[23:21:28] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}sex

[23:21:29] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Fpark

[23:21:29] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Have Fun!

[23:21:30] ** [BK]AL3araby [Id:31] has joined the server.

[23:21:30] DISPATCH: (ROBBERY) Suspect: deathx99(9) has robbed Megan(3) Location: Calton Heights

[23:21:31] ** [BK]Amr [Id:33] has joined the server.

[23:21:35] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}wb

[23:21:35] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}??Ę?ć??

[23:21:38] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:21:38] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:21:40] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}wb

[23:21:46] *** [BK]Amr (33) has left the server (Timeout)

[23:21:46] RAJAWI: (28) {FFFFFF}12

[23:21:51] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}nerd + homer + simpson + Matty =

[23:21:52] * [YG]the_one (ID:18) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:21:53] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}y u leave me

[23:21:56] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:21:58] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:21:59] * LeGGGeNNdA (ID:10) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:21:59] * [AER]masterpro35 (ID:5) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:22:00] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Matty

[23:22:03] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}me ok that wbs to me :P

[23:22:03] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:22:03] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:22:04] * 7HeaveN (ID:19) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:22:06] *[BK]AL3araby ok that wbs to me :P

[23:22:11] * MEN (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:22:13] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Chettah + Joker =

[23:22:15] *** fork (23) has left the server (Timeout)

[23:22:17] Ahmed.: (21) {FFFFFF}wb /

[23:22:17] *** PLAYER7 (11) has left the server (Timeout)

[23:22:17] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Troll

[23:22:17] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}beo

[23:22:17] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:22:18] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Thanks. I owe you a -4500$.

[23:22:19] * [YG]Spark (ID:16) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:22:21] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:22:21] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:22:22] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}get un

[23:22:26] [YG]the_one: (18) {FFFFFF}hahahahaha

[23:22:27] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}??Ęć ???

[23:22:29] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}5pigs + 5cows =

[23:22:31] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}hahahah

[23:22:32] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:22:32] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}hahahahahahah

[23:22:32] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:22:33] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}End of the world

[23:22:35] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:22:36] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}12

[23:22:37] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to sala7 (ID: 2)

[23:22:37] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to sala7 (ID: 2)

[23:22:42] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Holy mother fuck

[23:22:42] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 45 + 40 - 34 + 48 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:22:46] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}haha+haha =

[23:22:47] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}hehehehehehehe

[23:22:47] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}Ďĺ ??ĚŃ

[23:22:48] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}You're dead pal

[23:22:49] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 6 seconds (Ans: 99).

[23:22:49] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2785 Maths quiz.

[23:22:49] <[AV]Matty> 99

[23:22:50] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}hahahahashahaah

[23:22:50] [YG]Johonny: (0) {FFFFFF}ahaha

[23:22:51] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}huehuehuehue

[23:22:51] * [AER]masterpro35 (ID:5) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:22:52] * Check out the latest party houses! /party and /party2

[23:22:53] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:22:53] Massrrww: (1) {FFFFFF}eh

[23:22:53] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}hahaahhahaah

[23:22:54] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:22:55] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:22:56] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:22:56] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:22:58] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}xD!

[23:23:02] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}xd

[23:23:05] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}xd

[23:23:07] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}haha+:(+haha =

[23:23:08] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}Admin , Money

[23:23:08] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}Ě?ăČ 4 ??Ń?ă

[23:23:09] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Donut

[23:23:10] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}wkakwa

[23:23:10] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}:((

[23:23:10] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:23:12] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Dawshaaaaa (ID: 17)

[23:23:12] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Dawshaaaaa (ID: 17)

[23:23:13] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}or D:

[23:23:19] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}:0

[23:23:21] * 7HeaveN (ID:19) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:23:25] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}$$$ + player =

[23:23:28] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}puta

[23:23:29] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}$$$$$$$$$$$$$444

[23:23:30] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}Ę???ć ?Ń?Č ?? ?ŃČ???? ?Č?Ń?

[23:23:30] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Dorantor

[23:23:33] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:23:33] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:23:36] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Donator

[23:23:36] * Abdel_Rahman (ID:8) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:23:37] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}*

[23:23:42] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}donator + admin =

[23:23:43] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}nothing

[23:23:46] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Koro

[23:23:46] MEN: (6) {FFFFFF} I WANT COOKIES

[23:23:47] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}TP

[23:23:47] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:23:47] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:23:47] * MoDy (ID:30) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:23:49] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}Ę???ć

[23:23:49] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}lvl 9

[23:23:49] * You earned $16000 from your properties!

[23:23:52] *** Mondy (13) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:23:56] * 7HeaveN (ID:19) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:23:58] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Nokia you're dead mate

[23:24:01] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}Ę???? ?? ăĚĎ?

[23:24:04] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}tp + vip + admin +?=

[23:24:05] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}me :P

[23:24:05] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Fuck

[23:24:06] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Nigguh

[23:24:07] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}They crashed me

[23:24:08] [YG]Johonny: (0) {FFFFFF}ADMINS

[23:24:09] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}Ĺă?ě ?? ?ć?? ??Ű??ĺ

[23:24:10] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:24:10] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:24:11] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ĚČĘĺ???ć

[23:24:15] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}?ć?Ţ*

[23:24:19] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}??? ă? Ď?ĺ

[23:24:22] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 43 + 42 - 48 + 32 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:24:22] [YG]Nokia: (25) {FFFFFF}yes johonny?

[23:24:23] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}?ă?? ??ŃŐ [[8abyy9]]

[23:24:24] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}Hacr

[23:24:25] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}fuck + FUCK =


[23:24:26] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}sex on the beach

[23:24:27] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}NIGGUH!

[23:24:27] ** fork [Id:11] has joined the server.

[23:24:31] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:24:31] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:24:33] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Double fuck

[23:24:33] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}Duck

[23:24:35] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Y U DO DIS

[23:24:38] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Y NO NIGGUH?

[23:24:38] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to MoDy (ID: 30)

[23:24:38] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to MoDy (ID: 30)

[23:24:40] PM From Ahmed.(21): some cookies plz

[23:24:46] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}NIGGUH + RETARD =

[23:24:47] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}in my bedroom

[23:24:48] **[xB]BlackEagle has successfully solved a task in 26 seconds (Ans: 69).

[23:24:48] * [xB]BlackEagle has answered a total of 1809 Maths quiz.

[23:24:48] <[xB]BlackEagle> 69<33

[23:24:48] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}DICK

[23:24:50] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}NIGGUH

[23:24:51] [YG]Johonny: (0) {FFFFFF}negguh

[23:24:52] PM From Ahmed.(21): some cookies plz

[23:24:52] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}?Ń?ă

[23:24:53] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Dam, that was kinda wrong

[23:24:54] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}:P

[23:24:54] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:24:54] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:24:54] * Massrrww (ID:1) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:24:55] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}niga

[23:24:56] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}?

[23:24:58] * LeGGGeNNdA (ID:10) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:25:00] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:25:03] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}hahahahhahahahha

[23:25:04] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}dick + big =

[23:25:05] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}0

[23:25:06] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:25:07] * [YG]the_one (ID:18) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:25:08] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}pussy

[23:25:09] * [YG]Spark (ID:16) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:25:10] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}??? ă? Ăć? ?Ę?ŃŇ.

[23:25:10] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}is hot

[23:25:11] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Wife

[23:25:14] PM From Ahmed.(21): some cookies plz

[23:25:16] * MoDy (ID:30) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:25:17] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}baby

[23:25:17] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}Ř?Č ??ĺ? ??ĺ :D

[23:25:19] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}A WOMAN

[23:25:19] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to sala7 (ID: 2)

[23:25:19] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to sala7 (ID: 2)

[23:25:20] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}NIGGUH

[23:25:23] You have sent 5 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:25:23] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 5 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:25:24] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Legggennda! I say your name completely right.

[23:25:28] * [AER]masterpro35 (ID:5) has just saved their current position.

[23:25:30] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}DAMN

[23:25:31] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}AND ME MATTY

[23:25:32] *** Megan (3) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:25:32] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}??Ďě ???ěż Ĺ?Řĺ

[23:25:34] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}`wat?

[23:25:35] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}pedophile + necrophile =

[23:25:36] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:25:37] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}That's how you thank me?

[23:25:38] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}0.

[23:25:39] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}hahahahahhaha

[23:25:40] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Superphile

[23:25:40] * New to the server? Use /commands for a list of commands and features.

[23:25:40] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}??Ę ă?? ă? ?ć? ?Ę?ŃŇ

[23:25:41] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Tookey

[23:25:41] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Fish

[23:25:42] * LeGGGeNNdA (ID:10) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:25:42] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}back

[23:25:43] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}?ć? ?Ę?ŃŇ ż

[23:25:44] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:25:44] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:25:46] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}loool

[23:25:47] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:25:49] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:25:50] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}I answered first. :D

[23:25:55] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}Mohamed Gamal :D *Mody* Sa7eb Mota7ady :D

[23:26:02] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 42 + 32 - 35 + 31 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:26:05] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}?ĺ ?? ăĚĎě

[23:26:06] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}mask + unknown + monkey =

[23:26:06] * [YG]the_one (ID:18) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:26:07] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}cobra

[23:26:09] **[xB]BlackEagle has successfully solved a task in 6 seconds (Ans: 70).

[23:26:09] * [xB]BlackEagle has answered a total of 1810 Maths quiz.

[23:26:09] <[xB]BlackEagle> 70

[23:26:09] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}70

[23:26:10] ** xCandy [Id:3] has joined the server.

[23:26:10] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Monko

[23:26:11] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}Ř?Č ??Ď? ??? ?Ď? ?Ď? ă??? ă???? ă?? ?ć? ?Ę?ŃŇ

[23:26:12] * Snake (ID:22) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:26:12] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}COBRA

[23:26:13] * [YG]Spark (ID:16) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:26:15] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:26:15] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:26:16] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Grox

[23:26:16] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}hahahahahahahahah

[23:26:19] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}:PP

[23:26:21] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:26:22] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}Nice Legggannda :D

[23:26:24] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ĺŃć? ?ĎćŃ ??ě prop

[23:26:25] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Wait me!

[23:26:25] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Monko + Monko =

[23:26:27] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}AREEP

[23:26:27] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}Matty , 10 Million Money

[23:26:29] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}monko2

[23:26:30] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}??? ă? Č? Č? ?? ć ăĚĎ? ă? ć?Ě ć ??Ę ă? ?ć? ?Ę?ŃŇ Ěă??? ??ĚŃćČ ?? ?ŃČ?? ć??Ď? :D

[23:26:30] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Mknoi

[23:26:31] * Negative (ID:26) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:26:32] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}sala7

[23:26:33] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Or monko 69

[23:26:34] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:26:34] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:26:35] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:26:36] Aironxit: (7) {FFFFFF}?Ď ă? ĚŃćČ ?ć? ?Ę?ŃŇ ż

[23:26:38] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}YAY

[23:26:39] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}hahhahahahahahaha

[23:26:44] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ć ??ŢŐ ???Ţ? ?ă?Ďĺ ĺ?ŃĎ? :D

[23:26:44] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Monko+Monko+Monko =

[23:26:44] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}hm

[23:26:46] *** Aironxit (7) has left the server (Timeout)

[23:26:47] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}BALLS

[23:26:47] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}2 MONKO'S

[23:26:48] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Monko3

[23:26:49] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:26:49] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:26:54] * johnnygamer2 (ID:24) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:26:57] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}?? Ďć?? ăĘ?Ń?? ă??? ??Prop ż

[23:27:01] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:27:01] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}BALLS + Monko=?

[23:27:02] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Steerwheel

[23:27:02] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}4 FUCKS

[23:27:04] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}zm balls

[23:27:05] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Nuke

[23:27:06] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}spark

[23:27:08] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:27:08] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:27:09] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}?ć ???ĎŢ :3

[23:27:10] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}u sold ur sultan?

[23:27:12] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}??? ??  Aironxit

[23:27:12] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Yeah

[23:27:12] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Cow's Balls

[23:27:15] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}how much

[23:27:15] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}LOL

[23:27:16] Negative: (26) {FFFFFF}leggennda wanna get ur hunter? :D

[23:27:19] * deathx99 is on a killing spree! (Kills : 5) (Reward : $5000)

[23:27:19] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:27:20] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}and why not to me WHAT THE FUCK

[23:27:20] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}No

[23:27:21] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}dafuq

[23:27:24] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Candy+Spark =

[23:27:25] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}5 BALLS

[23:27:26] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}hhhhhh

[23:27:27] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:27:28] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Sparky

[23:27:31] *** Massrrww (1) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:27:33] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Sparkling candy

[23:27:33] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:27:33] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:27:37] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}how much u sold it to? lol

[23:27:37] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}CaSaprk

[23:27:37] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}i like that

[23:27:39] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}rac plz

[23:27:40] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}lal

[23:27:44] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 47 + 36 - 32 + 39 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:27:44] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Spakry sounds good :D

[23:27:44] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Heaven

[23:27:49] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Sparky*

[23:27:50] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Such aimbot, much hack

[23:27:50] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}:D

[23:27:51] ** Massrrww [Id:1] has joined the server.

[23:27:53] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:27:53] **[xB]BlackEagle has successfully solved a task in 9 seconds (Ans: 90).

[23:27:53] * [xB]BlackEagle has answered a total of 1811 Maths quiz.

[23:27:53] <[xB]BlackEagle> 90

[23:27:54] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}90

[23:27:56] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}hur

[23:27:56] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Such ban

[23:27:58] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}death come

[23:27:58] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Sparky+LeGGGeNNda=

[23:28:00] [BK]AL3araby: (31) {FFFFFF}OSH

[23:28:00] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}DOGE

[23:28:01] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}DAT_REASON

[23:28:08] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}duel nab?

[23:28:10] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to 7HeaveN (ID: 19)

[23:28:10] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to 7HeaveN (ID: 19)

[23:28:11] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}cbug

[23:28:12] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}loool

[23:28:18] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}ă??? ?ŃČ?? ?Č?Ń? ć ?Ń??? ż

[23:28:19] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}This nab can ban you

[23:28:19] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Legendary Spark :D

[23:28:19] ** nachigamerXD [Id:7] has joined the server.

[23:28:22] * [AER]masterpro35 (ID:5) has just saved their current position.

[23:28:23] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}death come lol

[23:28:23] *** [BK]AL3araby (31) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:28:23] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}[RD]Robert+Panda

[23:28:24] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}duel nab + maddox =

[23:28:27] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}I'm not a legend. But i may be very good in Cbug.

[23:28:27] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Ever thought of that?

[23:28:28] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Logic

[23:28:30] * Hacking and using of illegal mods are strictly not permitted on YG-Gaming.

[23:28:30] * If you are caught breaking the server rules, you may be punished by our Server Administrators.

[23:28:30] * [AER]masterpro35 (ID:5) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:28:32] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:28:32] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:28:41] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}[RD]Robert+Panda

[23:28:42] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}hey candy

[23:28:44] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}come

[23:28:45] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Rob Panda

[23:28:46] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}nub

[23:28:47] ** [BK]AL3araby [Id:13] has joined the server.

[23:28:52] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Zoo+Snake+Cobra+Chettah=

[23:28:54] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}MATH ERROR

[23:28:56] * 7HeaveN (ID:19) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:28:57] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}guess whos car is this

[23:28:58] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}lolz

[23:28:59] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:28:59] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:28:59] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Snaky Chettobra

[23:29:00] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}fork

[23:29:00] *** Massrrww (1) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:29:01] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}xD

[23:29:01] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}ahuahuahauha

[23:29:02] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}mhm

[23:29:06] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:29:06] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:29:08] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}how to duel

[23:29:09] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}snake

[23:29:10] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}his acc bugged to mine now

[23:29:11] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}take me out of here

[23:29:12] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}[AV] Matty , MONEY !

[23:29:14] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}why the fuck dident you sell me the sultan spark

[23:29:18] * MoDy (ID:30) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:29:20] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}:D

[23:29:21] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}because i gave it to mondy o_o

[23:29:21] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Money + [AV]Matty =


[23:29:22] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}err

[23:29:23] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Traffic Lights

[23:29:23] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 37 + 42 - 39 + 43 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:29:27] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 4 seconds (Ans: 83).

[23:29:27] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2786 Maths quiz.

[23:29:27] <[AV]Matty> 83

[23:29:28] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Rich Pitch

[23:29:30] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Life

[23:29:31] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}you know ive wanted one

[23:29:32] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:29:34] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}death, i can sell u ;p

[23:29:34] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:29:34] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:29:35] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}not b**** i mean pitch only not b...

[23:29:36] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}lolz

[23:29:38] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}:D

[23:29:39] *** MEN (6) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:29:45] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}blackeagle + vip =

[23:29:47] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}hm

[23:29:49] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}life

[23:29:50] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Admin

[23:29:53] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}I died in the engine. :'

[23:29:54] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}abuze

[23:29:56] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:29:56] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:30:01] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}he has god

[23:30:02] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}:@

[23:30:04] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}I died in the engine. ':|

[23:30:06] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}psh cant rob admins

[23:30:07] [YG]the_one: (18) {FFFFFF}no admins here xD

[23:30:07] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}god + engine =

[23:30:10] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ăă?? ?ăćĘ? ż [[8abyy9]]


[23:30:10] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}lolz

[23:30:11] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}lame

[23:30:11] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}spark

[23:30:12] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Engfiner

[23:30:12] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}hahahahaahahhahahahha

[23:30:14] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}gengine

[23:30:16] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}hahaahahahaa

[23:30:17] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}??? ??ĺ Ď?

[23:30:18] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:30:18] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:30:18] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Yes 4araby?

[23:30:19] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:30:20] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}3araby

[23:30:25] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}lool

[23:30:26] ** The_Last_Joker [Id:1] has joined the server.

[23:30:28] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}nothing

[23:30:28] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Spark + Mark =

[23:30:30] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Mordekaiser

[23:30:31] DISPATCH: (ROBBERY) Suspect: deathx99(9) has robbed xCandy(3) Location: Downtown

[23:30:33] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}XD

[23:30:33] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}sparkmark

[23:30:35] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}psht

[23:30:36] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}ČŘ?ć ?ŃČ ?Č??

[23:30:36] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Abuse!!

[23:30:36] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:30:36] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:30:38] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}nokia dont shoot me, ill kill you

[23:30:43] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Well no shit

[23:30:44] YG INFO: The_Last_Joker (ID:1) has been automatically kicked from the server. (Reason: Ban Evader)

[23:30:44] *** The_Last_Joker (1) has left the server (Kicked/Banned)

[23:30:44] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}xD

[23:30:44] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}only 22 bucks psh

[23:30:46] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}penis + pussy =

[23:30:48] RAJAWI: (28) {FFFFFF}wath ahuahuahauha

[23:30:49] * LeGGGeNNdA is on a killing spree! (Kills : 5) (Reward : $5000)

[23:30:50] Negative: (26) {FFFFFF}sex

[23:30:51] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}pinespussy

[23:30:51] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Someting private

[23:30:52] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Dick

[23:30:52] Lubp1: (15) {FFFFFF}baby

[23:30:53] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Life

[23:30:54] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}omg run

[23:30:54] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Negative (ID: 26)

[23:30:54] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Negative (ID: 26)

[23:30:55] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:30:55] * nachigamerXD (ID:7) has teleported to Stunt 1! {FF0000} - Infernus Stunt - (/stunt1)

[23:30:57] [YG]Nokia: (25) {FFFFFF}iam playing with touchpad ;)

[23:30:57] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Lubp1 (ID: 15)

[23:30:57] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Lubp1 (ID: 15)

[23:31:01] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:31:01] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to ChettaH (ID: 12)

[23:31:03] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 40 + 40 - 31 + 30 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:31:04] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}lkool

[23:31:06] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 3 seconds (Ans: 79).

[23:31:06] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2787 Maths quiz.

[23:31:06] <[AV]Matty> 79

[23:31:07] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}I said Something Private.

[23:31:08] YG INFO - This Turismo belongs to Cenation, and cannot be purchased.

[23:31:13] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}these guys fast

[23:31:13] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}:(

[23:31:14] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}lal

[23:31:14] *** nachigamerXD (7) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:31:16] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}cool + lol =

[23:31:16] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Clown is sad

[23:31:18] * Type /stunts to check out some of the stunts available on the server.

[23:31:21] Negative: (26) {FFFFFF}laugh

[23:31:25] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}coololl

[23:31:25] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:31:25] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 10)

[23:31:27] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Cololol

[23:31:30] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:31:30] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:31:31] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}??????????????????????

[23:31:32] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Thx

[23:31:33] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}w

[23:31:33] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}coololl

[23:31:34] * MoDy (ID:30) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:31:37] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}coololl 

[23:31:39] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Warning, time to die

[23:31:41] [YG]the_one: (18) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:31:44] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}rofl + lmao + duck =

[23:31:45] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}ăĚĎ? ??Ę ??? ż

[23:31:46] RAJAWI: (28) {FFFFFF}pgoto me

[23:31:47] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:31:48] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Life

[23:31:49] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Ducky Lafl

[23:31:49] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}baby

[23:31:49] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Roflduck

[23:31:54] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}sparks, how much did u sell sultan for?

[23:31:55] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:31:55] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:31:56] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}im disarmed

[23:31:56] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}:@

[23:31:58] RAJAWI: (28) {FFFFFF}pgoto me allllllll

[23:31:58] ** nachigamerXD [Id:1] has joined the server.

[23:32:01] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}heaven + matty =

[23:32:02] * kaarimxprinnceppv (ID:29) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:32:03] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}XD

[23:32:05] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Hell

[23:32:06] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}rofl + disarm + random encounter =

[23:32:06] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}Ę??ć? lva

[23:32:07] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}make this fair warning

[23:32:08] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}xCandy. mondy is the original owner of the sultan

[23:32:09] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}party?

[23:32:10] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Duel

[23:32:11] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}MATH Life

[23:32:11] * MoDy (ID:30) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:32:12] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}shit

[23:32:13] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}oh

[23:32:13] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to 7HeaveN (ID: 19)

[23:32:13] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to 7HeaveN (ID: 19)

[23:32:15] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}lal

[23:32:15] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}Your kid disarmed me :(

[23:32:15] * Magdy20 (ID:4) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:32:20] * nachigamerXD (ID:1) has teleported to Stunt 2! {FF0000}- NRG Stunt - (/stunt2)

[23:32:23] * nachigamerXD (ID:1) has teleported to Stunt 2! {FF0000}- NRG Stunt - (/stunt2)

[23:32:25] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}kid + disarm + legggennda =

[23:32:26] LeGGGeNNdA: (10) {FFFFFF}you're all dead

[23:32:28] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}VODKA

[23:32:28] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}it means shit matty !

[23:32:29] ** LeGGGeNNdA (ID:10) has been automatically kicked from the server! (Reason : CMD spam)

[23:32:29] *** LeGGGeNNdA (10) has left the server (Kicked/Banned)

[23:32:32] Player is not connected or is yourself.

[23:32:32] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}LAWL

[23:32:32] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Vip

[23:32:32] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}FAIL

[23:32:34] Player is not connected or is yourself.

[23:32:35] [YG]Nokia: (25) {FFFFFF}hahahaha

[23:32:35] * Magdy20 (ID:4) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:32:39] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:32:39] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:32:40] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}lool

[23:32:41] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}tf

[23:32:43] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 34 + 48 - 42 + 49 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:32:43] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}?8?ćŇ Ę?ć? ?ŃČ?Ę? ?? ?Ń?ă ż

[23:32:46] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:32:47] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}...

[23:32:48] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}fail + legggennda =

[23:32:49] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}Run

[23:32:50] **[xB]BlackEagle has successfully solved a task in 7 seconds (Ans: 89).

[23:32:50] * [xB]BlackEagle has answered a total of 1812 Maths quiz.

[23:32:50] <[xB]BlackEagle> 89

[23:32:51] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}ă??? :#

[23:32:52] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Fuck this shit

[23:32:54] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Cmd spam

[23:32:54] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Snake (ID: 22)

[23:32:54] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Snake (ID: 22)

[23:32:55] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}where to?

[23:33:00] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}ill just kill your son

[23:33:00] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}I have to go sleep

[23:33:03] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}Cya people

[23:33:04] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}los santos!

[23:33:05] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}:3

[23:33:06] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}?ĺ?

[23:33:06] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Cya

[23:33:10] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ĺ? ?Ď?ĺ ?ŃČ?Ę? ż

[23:33:18] *** ChettaH (12) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:33:18] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}los santos + san fierro + las venturas =

[23:33:19] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}I don't feel vengenceful anymore :/

[23:33:19] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}THE SERVER WILL GO TO HELL

[23:33:20] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}:**

[23:33:20] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}Ę???? ć ?ććć?

[23:33:21] ** LeGGGeNNdA [Id:6] has joined the server.

[23:33:22] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}San andreas

[23:33:23] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Gta sa

[23:33:26] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:33:26] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:33:26] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}USA

[23:33:27] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}XD

[23:33:30] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}USA


[23:33:32] * kaarimxprinnceppv (ID:29) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:33:33] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}USA + CANADA =

[23:33:34] * nachigamerXD (ID:1) has teleported to {FF0000} Stunt 3! (/stunt3)

[23:33:34] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}USA

[23:33:35] [YG]Nokia: (25) {FFFFFF}wow everyone can kill me you are all  good players xD

[23:33:36] * nachigamerXD (ID:1) has teleported to {FF0000} Stunt 3! (/stunt3)

[23:33:37] * Magdy20 (ID:4) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:33:38] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}canada ftw

[23:33:40] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to xCandy (ID: 3)

[23:33:40] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to xCandy (ID: 3)

[23:33:42] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}north america

[23:33:44] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}PEACe

[23:33:45] [YG]the_one: (18) {FFFFFF}you will go to hell

[23:33:46] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}THE NORTH AMERECA

[23:33:48] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}THE NORTH AMERECA

[23:33:50] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}peace + war =

[23:33:51] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}?ĺ?

[23:33:55] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}AMRECA

[23:33:55] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Ying Yaugn

[23:33:55] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}canada is only there till they do somthing we dont like XD USA

[23:33:56] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Ying Yaung

[23:33:56] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}shit

[23:34:00] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}who did that one xD?

[23:34:02] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:34:02] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ćŢ? ???Ő ??ŃŐ :3

[23:34:04] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}so i can reward him

[23:34:05] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}mm

[23:34:05] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}me

[23:34:07] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}?ĺ? ?? ăĚĎ? ć ?? ?Ń?ă

[23:34:08] * Check out the largest Minigun event on the server! (/mg7) - BigSmoke's Crackden Minigun Game -

[23:34:09] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:34:09] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:34:10] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}? ME ?>

[23:34:14] * nachigamerXD (ID:1) has teleported to {FF0000} Stunt 3! (/stunt3)

[23:34:14] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}I said Ying Yaung o-o

[23:34:15] * Snake (ID:22) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:34:16] * nachigamerXD (ID:1) has teleported to {FF0000} Stunt 3! (/stunt3)

[23:34:16] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}girl + girl ?

[23:34:18] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Liar's

[23:34:19] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}man

[23:34:19] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}ying + yang =

[23:34:20] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}LOL

[23:34:21] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}lezbian

[23:34:21] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}2 GIRLS

[23:34:22] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}Lesbians :v

[23:34:23] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 46 + 42 - 48 + 31 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:34:23] Negative: (26) {FFFFFF}lesbo

[23:34:23] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Evil Good

[23:34:24] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:34:24] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:34:25] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}???? ??ă? ?? ăĚĎ? -_-

[23:34:26] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Yingayng

[23:34:27] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}2 GIRLS

[23:34:27] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Dawshaaaaa (ID: 17)

[23:34:27] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Dawshaaaaa (ID: 17)

[23:34:28] **xCandy has successfully solved a task in 5 seconds (Ans: 71).

[23:34:28] * xCandy has answered a total of 92 Maths quiz.

[23:34:28] <xCandy> 71

[23:34:30] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}Ţć?Ę?? ăĘŢĘ????

[23:34:31] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}gg

[23:34:32] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}lego hunt

[23:34:33] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}Samsung, why you all like my skin so much? :(

[23:34:37] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}lesbian + nazi =

[23:34:39] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}WOMN

[23:34:39] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

[23:34:40] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}hitler

[23:34:40] * Your vehicle health and bodywork has been fixed/repaired for $500

[23:34:41] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Nazibian

[23:34:44] Negative: (26) {FFFFFF}lesbonazi

[23:34:45] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}??Ę ??ČĎĂĘ

[23:34:46] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}?Ń?ă ĺĘ?Ě? Ę?ć? ?ŃČ?Ę? ć?? ?? ż

[23:34:53] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}ć ???ĺ ă? ĺ?ŃČ? Č? ăĘĘ?ć???

[23:34:55] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}ăĚĎ? ĺĘŃ?Č ă???? ĺ?Ńć? ?ĎćŃ ??? Č?Ę

[23:34:56] * Magdy20 (ID:4) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:34:58] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to Negative (ID: 26)

[23:34:58] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to Negative (ID: 26)

[23:35:02] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}I will stay on my skin. It is my premium skin!

[23:35:02] * kaarimxprinnceppv (ID:29) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:35:05] ** juskit_kitty [Id:7] has joined the server.

[23:35:05] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}Ę???? lva


[23:35:05] ***ATENTION: [AER]masterpro35 Is NOT a TAXI DRIVER anymore***

[23:35:07] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}psht

[23:35:08] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}?ŃČ?Ę? ?ĺ?

[23:35:09] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}u so obv.

[23:35:15] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}need pop to drive lal

[23:35:16] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}ĘČ??

[23:35:18] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}take that skin off spark

[23:35:21] * You have Spawned a "NRG-500" (Model: 522) with Colours: 113,113

[23:35:26] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}WTF

[23:35:26] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}?? ă? ??Č?? Č? ĺĎćŃ??

[23:35:27] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}poop + piss =

[23:35:28] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}?ŃČ?Ę? ĺĚ?Čĺ???

[23:35:28] * johnnygamer2 (ID:24) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:35:28] ** tot [Id:18] has joined the server.

[23:35:29] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}000000000000000000000000000

[23:35:32] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}ŮŃ??ě?Ţ?ă

[23:35:32] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:35:33] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}ăă?? ?ĚŃČĺ?

[23:35:36] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Lady

[23:35:37] * [AER]masterpro35 (ID:5) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:35:38] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}sex

[23:35:39] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}?Ň?? ???Ę ???ĺ? ?Ďĺ ż

[23:35:39] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}ć ?ŢĺĎ Ě?Č?

[23:35:41] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:35:41] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:35:43] * Lubp1 (ID:15) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:35:44] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}wow

[23:35:45] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}lady + poop =

[23:35:46] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}hacks

[23:35:49] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}sex

[23:35:49] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Lady gaga

[23:35:50] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Man!

[23:35:51] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to deathx99 (ID: 9)

[23:35:51] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to deathx99 (ID: 9)

[23:35:52] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}angelina jolie

[23:35:55] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:35:55] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:35:56] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:35:56] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}??Ę ČĘ?Ę? ????Ě?Ę Ď?ĺ ?Ň??


[23:35:57] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}?? ăćĎ? ?Ň?? ???Ę ???ĺ? ?Ďĺ ż

[23:35:57] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}hit twice with rpg

[23:35:59] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}these guys hax

[23:36:03] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 40 + 38 - 44 + 30 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:36:05] tot: (18) {FFFFFF}fabian ist hier xD

[23:36:06] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}?Ń?Č

[23:36:08] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}poop + guy =

[23:36:09] * Admin tookey (IRC): ello

[23:36:09] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}kreshna blondie?

[23:36:10] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}6

[23:36:11] [YG]Nokia: (25) {FFFFFF}cool

[23:36:11] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}A WOMAN SEXY

[23:36:12] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 8 seconds (Ans: 64).

[23:36:12] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2788 Maths quiz.

[23:36:12] <[AV]Matty> 64

[23:36:12] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}64

[23:36:12] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}dead bitch

[23:36:12] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}62

[23:36:13] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Man gaga

[23:36:15] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:36:15] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}justin beiber

[23:36:15] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}?Ţ?? ????Ě?Ę Ď?ĺ ?Ň?? ż

[23:36:19] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:36:19] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:36:19] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Niggas

[23:36:23] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}L]

[23:36:24] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}man gaga hahahaha

[23:36:25] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}whell ima go eat a taco

[23:36:30] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}k

[23:36:32] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}parrot + cake =

[23:36:32] xCandy: (3) {FFFFFF}imma go off

[23:36:33] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}jk

[23:36:33] * RAJAWI (ID:28) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:36:33] *** xCandy (3) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:36:37] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Death evader

[23:36:38] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}matty

[23:36:38] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}??Ň? ć ??? ?ćŃ???

[23:36:40] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:36:40] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:36:41] *** Abdel_Rahman (8) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:36:42] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}pacake

[23:36:44] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Why?

[23:36:45] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}loool death evader

[23:36:45] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}ă? ?Ń???Ő

[23:36:46] * You can use the /veh dialog or type any vehicle name to spawn the vehicles.

[23:36:46] * [AV]Matty (ID:20) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:36:47] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}?Ţ? ČŢ?? ??Ę

[23:36:52] * [AER]masterpro35 (ID:5) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:36:54] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}Chuck Norris + Rambo =

[23:36:55] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:36:59] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}?Ń?ă ?Ń?ă ??Ę ???

[23:36:59] * Caught a rule breaker? Use /report [playerid] [report reason]

[23:36:59] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}dog + parrot =

[23:37:00] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}ă? ?Ń??? ??Ň? ć ??? ?ćŃ??

[23:37:03] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}going to hell

[23:37:05] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFF

Offline Mattyˇ

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  • Posts: 341
  • In Game: Matty
Re: Funny Chatlog Quiz lol
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2014, 03:10:00 AM »
the last one
[23:37:11] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}fuck

[23:37:14] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:37:14] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:37:16] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}I wont change ma skin

[23:37:16] ERROR: Invalid Vehicle Model

[23:37:19] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}???Ň ?ĚŃČĺ? ??Ď?

[23:37:20] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Shit

[23:37:20] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}HAHAHA

[23:37:20] * You have Spawned a "NRG-500" (Model: 522) with Colours: 0,0

[23:37:25] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}You're dead mate

[23:37:26] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Sub-Zero will never be any one else. :O

[23:37:30] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}?Ň?? ???Ę ???ĺ? ?Ďĺ ż .(ć

[23:37:30] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}HAHAHA + youre dead mate =

[23:37:31] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}not hell this time :P

[23:37:32] * You have Spawned a "Dinghy" (Model: 473) with Colours: 59,113

[23:37:33] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}._. *

[23:37:36] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}?? ?Ń?ă !!

[23:37:37] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Heck of Meck

[23:37:41] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}come to daddy

[23:37:42] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 32 + 32 - 46 + 48 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:37:45] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:37:45] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:37:47] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}60

[23:37:48] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 5 seconds (Ans: 66).

[23:37:48] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2789 Maths quiz.

[23:37:48] <[AV]Matty> 66

[23:37:48] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}??ă

[23:37:49] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}?Ő? ă? ?? ???ŃČ??Ę ???? ?ČŢ? ???ĺ? ?Ď?

[23:37:49] RAJAWI: (28) {FFFFFF}86

[23:37:49] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}66

[23:37:53] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}?ŃČ??Ę ă?ĎĎ?

[23:37:54] * [xB]BlackEagle (ID:27) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:37:54] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}hahahahhaaa

[23:37:54] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}daddy + mommy =

[23:37:55] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}??Ę ???

[23:37:56] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:37:56] * You have Spawned a "NRG-500" (Model: 522) with Colours: 87,1

[23:37:58] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}Ę???? ?? Ďć?? lva

[23:37:58] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}spark

[23:37:58] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}lady

[23:37:59] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Life

[23:38:01] tot: (18) {FFFFFF}h/vr

[23:38:02] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:38:02] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 27)

[23:38:02] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Yes legggennda

[23:38:02] * Admin tookey (IRC): im good i shall stay here

[23:38:04] ** Minio [Id:3] has joined the server.

[23:38:04] * Dawshaaaaa (ID:17) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:38:06] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}Ř?Č ??? ???Ň ?ŮČ ?ŃČ?Ę? Ň?? ?Ď?

[23:38:08] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}?ćŃ?? ???ŃČ? ??Ń??? ć?? ?? ż

[23:38:10] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}??? Ń?Ę ?./tune3 Č? ă?ŢĘ? ???? ?ČŢě ???ĺ? ?Ďĺ

[23:38:10] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}ČĘ?ă?ĺ? ă??? ż

[23:38:12] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Life + Suicide =


[23:38:13] [***] [AER]masterpro35 is now a Taxi driver

[23:38:14] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}dafuq

[23:38:15] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}Ď? ă? ???? ĘĘŮČŘ

[23:38:16] [xB]BlackEagle: (27) {FFFFFF}Relog! -_-

[23:38:17] *** tot (18) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:38:17] *** [xB]BlackEagle (27) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:38:17] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}ČŐ ŇćČŃě

[23:38:19] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:38:19] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:38:19] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}liave in the life

[23:38:27] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}dafuq + why =

[23:38:28] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}?ă?Ęĺ? ?Ň?? ć?Č? :]

[23:38:29] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:38:29] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}liave in the life

[23:38:30] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}??ĺ ă?ĘŐČ

[23:38:31] * nachigamerXD (ID:1) has teleported to {FF0000}Stunt 5! (/stunt5)

[23:38:32] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}:D

[23:38:32] * johnnygamer2 (ID:24) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:38:33] * nachigamerXD (ID:1) has teleported to {FF0000}Stunt 5! (/stunt5)

[23:38:36] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:38:38] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to kaarimxprinnceppv (ID: 29)

[23:38:38] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to kaarimxprinnceppv (ID: 29)

[23:38:38] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:38:41] deathx99: (9) {FFFFFF}sup

[23:38:44] ** tot [Id:10] has joined the server.

[23:38:45] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}lol + lol =

[23:38:45] ** [xB]BlackEagle [Id:8] has joined the server.

[23:38:46] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}?ćŃ?? ???ŃČ?? ?Ń??? ć?? ?? ż

[23:38:47] * nachigamerXD (ID:1) has teleported to Stunt 1! {FF0000} - Infernus Stunt - (/stunt1)

[23:38:48] Ahmed.: (21) {FFFFFF}ptele

[23:38:48] ** [FJG]GotGec.ZS[DPA] [Id:12] has joined the server.

[23:38:49] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}looool

[23:38:49] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}What have i ever done to ?

[23:38:49] * nachigamerXD (ID:1) has teleported to Stunt 1! {FF0000} - Infernus Stunt - (/stunt1)

[23:38:54] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:38:54] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:38:57] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}Ę???? ?Č?Ţ

[23:38:57] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}change skin

[23:38:58] ** jordan [Id:18] has joined the server.

[23:38:58] juskit_kitty: (7) {FFFFFF}t

[23:39:02] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}change skin + t =

[23:39:03] * nachigamerXD (ID:1) has teleported to {FF0000} Stunt 6! (/stunt6)

[23:39:03] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}looooooooooooooooooooooool

[23:39:05] YG-INFO: jordan (ID:18) has been automatically kicked from the server (Reason: Failed to login)

[23:39:06] *** jordan (18) has left the server (Kicked/Banned)

[23:39:06] * nachigamerXD (ID:1) has teleported to {FF0000} Stunt 4! (/stunt4)

[23:39:11] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}??Ę?? ???ă

[23:39:12] [xB]BlackEagle: (8) {FFFFFF} Skin 2

[23:39:15] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 8)

[23:39:15] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 8)

[23:39:18] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}skin 258

[23:39:22] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 44 + 33 - 36 + 45 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:39:23] * rafa1548 (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:39:24] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}?ŃĚ?

[23:39:30] * juskit_kitty (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:39:33] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF} /skin 257 + /skin 92

[23:39:37] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 14 seconds (Ans: 86).

[23:39:37] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2790 Maths quiz.

[23:39:37] <[AV]Matty> 86

[23:39:37] [xB]BlackEagle: (8) {FFFFFF}Skin 3

[23:39:39] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}nothing

[23:39:45] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}nothing

[23:39:46] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}.a My sobeit is working well :D

[23:39:47] * Check out the largest Minigun event on the server! (/mg7) - BigSmoke's Crackden Minigun Game -



















































[23:39:51] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}LOL

[23:39:51] Snake: (22) {FFFFFF}xD

[23:39:52] *** deathx99 (9) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:39:53] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:39:53] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:39:54] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}??? ż

[23:39:55] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}R/Rho

[23:40:00] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Stop figting me

[23:40:01] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}?Ţ? Ě?Č?

[23:40:01] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}admin Cd

[23:40:07] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}sobeit + legggennda =

[23:40:09] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Whyy...?!

[23:40:09] * Trusted player [xB]BlackEagle (ID:8) has just started a 3 seconds countdown.

[23:40:09] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}Anal rape for spark

[23:40:12] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}??Ďă? ĺ??Ď Ď?ćŢĘ?


[23:40:13] ***ATENTION: [AER]masterpro35 Is NOT a TAXI DRIVER anymore***


[23:40:14] [***] [AER]masterpro35 is now a Taxi driver

[23:40:14] ** Blackmem [Id:9] has joined the server.

[23:40:15] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}legganda agaim

[23:40:15] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:40:15] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:40:15] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}You didnt /rape me o-o

[23:40:18] * juskit_kitty (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:40:21] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}Didnt i ?

[23:40:24] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}rape + spark =

[23:40:25] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Nope.

[23:40:25] * kaarimxprinnceppv (ID:29) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:40:26] * MoDy (ID:30) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:40:27] *** rafa1548 (14) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:40:28] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}sparky

[23:40:28] * tot (ID:10) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:40:29] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}U wont rape me

[23:40:30] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}ĺ? ??ČĘ? :3

[23:40:31] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:40:31] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:40:33] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}sobiet + legg + demote

[23:40:36] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}?? ?ă ??Ę ČĘĘ? ??ĘŃć?

[23:40:38] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}Nothing

[23:40:38] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}ŮŃŢ

[23:40:38] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}:D

[23:40:39] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}leegan

[23:40:40] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}sobiet + legg = demote

[23:40:43] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}?? ć???ĺ

[23:40:43] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}Nothing 11

[23:40:44] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:40:44] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}ya

[23:40:45] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}promote + demote =

[23:40:49] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}admin

[23:40:50] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}ăĘ????  Č? ŃČ??

[23:40:51] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}NO PROMTE

[23:40:51] * You earned $16000 from your properties!

[23:40:54] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:40:54] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:40:55] ** Dr.DarK_ [Id:14] has joined the server.

[23:40:58] tot: (10) {FFFFFF}geilo

[23:40:59] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}ăĚĎ? ?ČŢ?? ??Ę ć ăĘĘ?? ??ĘŃć?

[23:41:02] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 47 + 45 - 48 + 39 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:41:02] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}sand + rain =

[23:41:05] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 3 seconds (Ans: 83).

[23:41:05] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2791 Maths quiz.

[23:41:05] <[AV]Matty> 83

[23:41:08] [xB]BlackEagle: (8) {FFFFFF}Snow

[23:41:09] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}cloudly

[23:41:09] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}mud

[23:41:09] ** halford4metal [Id:18] has joined the server.

[23:41:11] [xB]BlackEagle: (8) {FFFFFF}xD!

[23:41:12] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 8)

[23:41:12] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 8)

[23:41:17] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}snow + mud =

[23:41:17] [xB]BlackEagle: (8) {FFFFFF}hahahah

[23:41:22] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}Lets go get him

[23:41:24] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}hahaahahah

[23:41:24] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}shit

[23:41:25] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}not snow

[23:41:26] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:41:27] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}Snake zombie shotgun FTW

[23:41:28] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Kreshna (ID: 32)

[23:41:28] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Kreshna (ID: 32)

[23:41:32] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}ŮŃŢ

[23:41:37] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}zombie + angle + devil =

[23:41:39] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}Come spark

[23:41:45] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}matty

[23:41:45] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}????????????? :D

[23:41:45] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Wait leggg.

[23:41:45] [xB]BlackEagle: (8) {FFFFFF}Latic

[23:41:45] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}nothing

[23:41:46] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}I'm safier here.

[23:41:51] ** fork (ID:11) has been automatically kicked from the server! (Reason : CMD spam)

[23:41:51] *** fork (11) has left the server (Kicked/Banned)

[23:41:52] *** [AER]masterpro35 (5) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:41:53] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}Not anymore

[23:41:54] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:41:54] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:41:55] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}matty

[23:42:00] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}loooooooooooool

[23:42:01] * juskit_kitty (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:42:04] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}matty + god =

[23:42:08] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}0

[23:42:09] [xB]BlackEagle: (8) {FFFFFF}nth

[23:42:12] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}a good person

[23:42:15] RAJAWI: (28) {FFFFFF}veh

[23:42:16] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:42:16] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:42:19] * Magdy20 (ID:4) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:42:21] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}DAI!

[23:42:21] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}a good person + koro =

[23:42:26] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}nobody

[23:42:27] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Ying Yaung

[23:42:29] [xB]BlackEagle: (8) {FFFFFF}bad persoon

[23:42:34] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}a person who go to hel

[23:42:36] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:42:36] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:42:37] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}a person who go to hell

[23:42:39] * Check out the largest Minigun event on the server! (/mg7) - BigSmoke's Crackden Minigun Game -

[23:42:40] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}tot help me

[23:42:42] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 47 + 38 - 34 + 34 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:42:43] ** Mondy [Id:5] has joined the server.

[23:42:43] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}?ĺĎ? ?? ?Ń?ă ???

[23:42:43] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}hmm i know

[23:42:45] ** LauroMARK [Id:11] has joined the server.

[23:42:51] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}?ć?Ř

[23:42:52] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}YonatanVtk + Koro =

[23:42:52] **[xB]BlackEagle has successfully solved a task in 9 seconds (Ans: 85).

[23:42:52] * [xB]BlackEagle has answered a total of 1813 Maths quiz.

[23:42:52] <[xB]BlackEagle> 85

[23:42:56] [xB]BlackEagle: (8) {FFFFFF}Shit

[23:42:57] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}??Ę ă? Č? Č? ?? ż

[23:42:58] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:43:00] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}not complex

[23:43:01] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}???

[23:43:07] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}Tot shoot them

[23:43:07] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}??

[23:43:09] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:43:09] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:43:10] * juskit_kitty (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:43:19] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}complex + diverse =

[23:43:20] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Brb

[23:43:22] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}legg can i help u

[23:43:23] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}no answer

[23:43:24] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:43:24] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [YG]Spark (ID: 16)

[23:43:26] [xB]BlackEagle: (8) {FFFFFF}Admins

[23:43:28] [FJG]GotGec.ZS[DPA]: (12) {FFFFFF}id 14 hacker

[23:43:28] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}?Ď ?Ě? ă???? ?Č?Ę? ĺ?Ď  ???ć? ČĘ???  Ě? :D

[23:43:31] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}awwww

[23:43:32] [YG]Nokia: (25) {FFFFFF}yes?

[23:43:32] ** Gugabit_Gamer [Id:23] has joined the server.

[23:43:33] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}hacker + admin =

[23:43:36] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}me

[23:43:37] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}ban

[23:43:37] [xB]BlackEagle: (8) {FFFFFF}Vip

[23:43:39] ** sKy_miroux [Id:27] has joined the server.

[23:43:40] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}ban

[23:43:40] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}ă?Ď? ĺ?Ń?Č ??Ř?

[23:43:41] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 8)

[23:43:41] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 8)

[23:43:44] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}back

[23:43:44] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}ban   

[23:43:45] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}ban     

[23:43:46] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}ĺć ?ě ăćČ????Ę ?ě ????Ń?Ń Ďĺż

[23:43:47] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:43:47] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:43:47] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}Snake how could you do that to me ?

[23:43:49] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}ban     

[23:43:51] [xB]BlackEagle: (8) {FFFFFF}wb

[23:43:55] *** Lubp1 (15) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:43:56] *** johnnygamer2 (24) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:43:57] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}vip + peep =

[23:44:01] [xB]BlackEagle: (8) {FFFFFF}tp

[23:44:03] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}admine

[23:44:06] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:44:06] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:44:08] ** ThornyRumble13 [Id:24] has joined the server.

[23:44:12] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}LauroMARK

[23:44:13] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}vip + smart =

[23:44:15] *Ahmed. Turismo Or Infernus

[23:44:19] [xB]BlackEagle: (8) {FFFFFF}Admin

[23:44:19] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}admin too

[23:44:21] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 8)

[23:44:21] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 8)

[23:44:23] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 49 + 38 - 47 + 38 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:44:23] [YG]Nokia: (25) {FFFFFF}what?

[23:44:24] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}Admins

[23:44:25] YG INFO - LauroMARK has been kicked by Administrator LeGGGeNNdA [reason:  parkour mod off ]

[23:44:25] *** LauroMARK (11) has left the server (Kicked/Banned)

[23:44:28] * LeGGGeNNdA (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:44:28] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 5 seconds (Ans: 78).

[23:44:28] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2792 Maths quiz.

[23:44:28] <[AV]Matty> 78

[23:44:32] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}c

[23:44:36] *Ahmed. Turismo Or Infernus

[23:44:37] ** Mahmoud [Id:11] has joined the server.

[23:44:37] *** [YG]Johonny (0) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:44:41] [xB]BlackEagle: (8) {FFFFFF}Inf

[23:44:42] * Gugabit_Gamer (ID:23) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:44:43] * juskit_kitty (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:44:46] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}LauroMARK + LeGGGeNNdA =

[23:44:49] * kaarimxprinnceppv (ID:29) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:44:50] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Spider

[23:44:51] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}nothing

[23:44:51] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}Nothing

[23:44:56] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:44:56] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 13)

[23:44:56] * Minio (ID:3) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:44:58] 7HeaveN: (19) {FFFFFF}7heaven + kreshnna =

[23:44:59] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}haha

[23:45:01] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Duno

[23:45:05] *** [xB]BlackEagle (8) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:45:07] * Blackmem (ID:9) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:45:09] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}Noops

[23:45:11] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:45:11] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}area51+sam =

[23:45:16] [BK]AL3araby: (13) {FFFFFF}nothing

[23:45:16] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}ahahahahhahahahahahha

[23:45:18] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:45:18] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to LeGGGeNNdA (ID: 6)

[23:45:19] Mondy: (5) {FFFFFF}die

[23:45:24] sala7: (2) {FFFFFF}ahahahha

[23:45:26] *** Dr.DarK_ (14) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:45:26] *** ThornyRumble13 (24) has left the server (Timeout)

[23:45:27] * Players can teleport to other players by using /pgoto (Note: /ptele to disable/enable teleport)

[23:45:27] * If you need quick money, then you can rob from other by /rob <ID>

[23:45:27] ** [xB]BlackEagle [Id:0] has joined the server.

[23:45:28] *** Minio (3) has left the server (Timeout)

[23:45:28] *** halford4metal (18) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:45:32] * [BK]AL3araby (ID:13) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:45:35] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}haha+no :) =

[23:45:38] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}nothing

[23:45:38] * juskit_kitty (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:45:39] *** [BK]AL3araby (13) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:45:43] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}Nope

[23:45:48] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 0)

[23:45:48] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 0)

[23:45:51] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}hey kitty

[23:45:55] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Yesh+kitty =

[23:45:58] [YG]Spark: (16) {FFFFFF}Kits

[23:46:00] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}Sure

[23:46:01] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}id 7

[23:46:02] [FJG]GotGec.ZS[DPA]: (12) {FFFFFF}k

[23:46:03] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 38 + 40 - 40 + 40 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:46:06] ** [BK]AL3araby [Id:3] has joined the server.

[23:46:07] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to juskit_kitty (ID: 7)

[23:46:07] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to juskit_kitty (ID: 7)

[23:46:12] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 9 seconds (Ans: 78).

[23:46:12] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2793 Maths quiz.

[23:46:12] <[AV]Matty> 78

[23:46:15] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}78

[23:46:21] ** Ilija [Id:13] has joined the server.

[23:46:22] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}?Ń?Č

[23:46:22] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}kitty + doggie =

[23:46:24] ** MacBookLP [Id:8] has joined the server.

[23:46:25] [YG]Nokia: (25) {FFFFFF}want drive?:)

[23:46:25] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}= NOTHING

[23:46:26] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}??ŃČ ??????

[23:46:28] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}Hawk

[23:46:31] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 0)

[23:46:31] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 0)

[23:46:31] * [BK]AL3araby (ID:3) has teleported to {FF0000} Los Santos Airport! (/lsa)

[23:46:33] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}LOOOL

[23:46:34] * MoDy (ID:30) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:46:38] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}hehe

[23:46:39] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}ĺ?Ę ????

[23:46:41] Blackmem: (9) {FFFFFF}car no crashed?

[23:46:41] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Hawk + Snake =

[23:46:42] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}ĂŃ?Č

[23:46:42] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}HEHEHE

[23:46:46] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}Cobra

[23:46:47] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}?Ń?Č ć Ďć? h

[23:46:50] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 0)

[23:46:50] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 0)

[23:46:56] YG INFO - Gugabit_Gamer has been kicked by Administrator LeGGGeNNdA [reason:  health hack]

[23:46:56] *** Gugabit_Gamer (23) has left the server (Kicked/Banned)

[23:46:57] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Cobra + Snake =

[23:46:58] * juskit_kitty (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:47:00] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}SIMON

[23:47:00] Magdy20: (4) {FFFFFF}??ŃČ ?? ?Ď ż

[23:47:00] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}Gay

[23:47:03] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}Simon

[23:47:06] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 3)

[23:47:06] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 3)

[23:47:07] *** 7HeaveN (19) has left the server (Leaving)

[23:47:13] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}Kitty

[23:47:16] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Simon + Kitty =

[23:47:18] Mahmoud: (11) {FFFFFF}?? ăĚĎ? ??Ęć ???

[23:47:19] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}matty

[23:47:21] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}sex on the beach

[23:47:21] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}Gays

[23:47:22] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF} /beach

[23:47:24] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:47:24] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 3)

[23:47:24] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 3)

[23:47:26] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}::

[23:47:26] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}LOOOL

[23:47:27] Blackmem: (9) {FFFFFF}algum br?

[23:47:32] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:47:34] * MoDy (ID:30) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:47:35] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Kitty + Kit Kat =

[23:47:39] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}Snickers

[23:47:41] * Magdy20 (ID:4) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:47:42] ** Gugabit_Gamer [Id:14] has joined the server.

[23:47:42] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 42 + 33 - 38 + 43 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:47:43] YG INFO - [FJG]GotGec.ZS[DPA] has been kicked by Administrator LeGGGeNNdA [reason:  come back with a link of that tele hack]

[23:47:43] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 0)

[23:47:43] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [xB]BlackEagle (ID: 0)

[23:47:43] *** [FJG]GotGec.ZS[DPA] (12) has left the server (Kicked/Banned)

[23:47:44] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}snickirs

[23:47:44] MoDy: (30) {FFFFFF}?? ?ă ŰČ? ăćĘ??

[23:47:48] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}79

[23:47:49] tot: (10) {FFFFFF}komm rein

[23:47:49] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 6 seconds (Ans: 80).

[23:47:49] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2794 Maths quiz.

[23:47:49] <[AV]Matty> 80

[23:47:54] * kaarimxprinnceppv (ID:29) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:47:59] * LeGGGeNNdA (ID:6) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:47:59] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}80 + math solved =

[23:48:03] * Gugabit_Gamer (ID:14) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:48:04] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}0

[23:48:04] * Magdy20 (ID:4) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:48:04] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}81

[23:48:17] * Non Admins can spawn Temparory vehicles by using the command /v <vehicle name>

[23:48:20] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}try more

[23:48:22] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}0 lol

[23:48:27] * Snake is on a killing spree! (Kills : 5) (Reward : $5000)

[23:48:29] * juskit_kitty (ID:7) has teleported to {FF0000} San Fierro Airport! (/sfa)

[23:48:30] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}ANSWER SOME QUSTITIOM

[23:48:33] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}ANSWER SOME QUSTITION

[23:48:34] *** sKy_miroux (27) has left the server (Timeout)

[23:48:36] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}160

[23:48:36] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 3)

[23:48:36] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 3)

[23:48:38] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}Ahh

[23:48:40] * MoDy (ID:30) has teleported to {FF0000} Las Venturas Airport! (/lva)

[23:48:42] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}HHHHHHHHHHH

[23:48:49] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}Caps off

[23:48:50] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}ahh+oh yes+fuck yeah+do it baby=

[23:48:57] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}love matty = love cokkies

[23:48:57] [YG]Kreshna: (32) {FFFFFF}matty u have only 207 cookies

[23:49:00] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}HELL PARTY

[23:49:01] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}Me

[23:49:02] You have sent 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 3)

[23:49:02] * [AV]Matty (ID: 20) has transfered 2 Cookie(s) to [BK]AL3araby (ID: 3)

[23:49:07] Dawshaaaaa: (17) {FFFFFF}ADMIN !

[23:49:10] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[23:49:10] ** MostafaRio [Id:12] has joined the server.

[23:49:11] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}Yes

[23:49:14] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}i sure did sell out them cookies lol

[23:49:20] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}Ďć? h

[23:49:21] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}im going to post the chatlog on forum lol

[23:49:23] Maths Quiz: First One who solve 30 + 34 - 34 + 40 will get $500, +1 Score, RPG and 1 Cookie.

[23:49:25] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}no maaaaaan

[23:49:26] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}heheh

[23:49:26] **[AV]Matty has successfully solved a task in 2 seconds (Ans: 70).

[23:49:26] * [AV]Matty has answered a total of 2795 Maths quiz.

[23:49:26] <[AV]Matty> 70

[23:49:28] LeGGGeNNdA: (6) {FFFFFF}LOL

[23:49:29] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}lol

[23:49:30] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}ok good

[23:49:31] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}ok im leaving bye xD

[23:49:37] * Your stats has been saved into the server database.

[23:49:38] ** [iN]Andrew [Id:15] has joined the server.

[23:49:41] [BK]AL3araby: (3) {FFFFFF}bye bro = bye cookies

[23:49:42] [xB]BlackEagle: (0) {FFFFFF}Cya

[23:49:43] [YG]Nokia: (25) {FFFFFF}dein auto ist explodiert

[23:49:45] * Administrator Snake has given 100000 Biscuit(s) to Snake. Snake have 110023 Biscuits in total.

[23:49:47] kaarimxprinnceppv: (29) {FFFFFF}ăĚĎ??????????????????????????????????????????????

Offline LeGGGeNNdA

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Re: Funny Chatlog Quiz lol
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2014, 03:24:11 AM »
Definitely ain't gonna read all that.
LeGGGeNNdA : You were a boss when I joined the srv and still now u are a boss , Freeaaaaaakk!! ahahaaha , Gonna miss your hunter skills xD! Bye meh!

I'll miss you Cooper :/

Offline Vtk

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Re: Funny Chatlog Quiz lol
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2014, 10:15:18 AM »
[23:28:52] [AV]Matty: (20) {FFFFFF}Zoo+Snake+Cobra+Chettah=

[23:28:54] ChettaH: (12) {FFFFFF}MATH ERROR

I disagree to disagree. Lol, xD!
How if I join this, but via IRC, one day?
This quiz just looks so funny. ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)

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Offline KiRaN

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Re: Funny Chatlog Quiz lol
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2014, 04:06:57 PM »
Definitely ain't gonna read all that.

True that !