Author Topic: [INFO] Server Rules  (Read 18295 times)

Offline [YG]Simon

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Server Rules
« on: May 30, 2013, 08:59:25 PM »

Breaking one of the rules mentioned below will result in a suitable action depending on the sort and the amount of the rule(s) that you break.
Not knowing the rules is not an excuse for not getting punished. By connecting the server you agree to follow all of the server rules.
We reserve the right to change/remove/add things in these rules at any time, with or without an announcement or a notification.

1. Do not use cheats, hacks, bots, or any kind of program / modification of the game to give you unfair advantages over other players. You are allowed to use only graphic mods. Note: It is only your responsibility to make sure the graphic mods you use have no additional effect that can be considered as cheating.
2. Do not advertise, especially anything which is related to other SA-MP servers. Do not use caps lock excessively as well.
3. Never spam or flood in any way, including via PM or server commands.
4. Do not insult others, the server, any religion in any way, and prevent from talking about politic.
5. Racism, discriminating, and Nazism are strictly forbidden.
6. Do not entice people to use the /q or /quit commands. Not even as a joke.
7. Do not share anyone's private information such as a real name and so on, without his permission.
8. Do not abuse any command/bug on the server. If you find any bug, please report about it on the forum. If you think the bug can be abused and letting others know about it may cause problems, please report about the bug privately to an admin.
9. Always listen to admins. You can always report the admin later on if you think there is something wrong with what you were told.
10. Impersonating in any way is not allowed. Do not choose insulting names nor numeric names.
11. Stats padding is not allowed. You can use another accounts as long as you do not abuse it by sending yourself money, or buying more vehicles/houses/properties in more than 1 account and so on.
11b. Buying/selling kills or other related stats is forbidden and considered stats padding.
12. Sharing illegal copyright material is not allowed.
13. Sharing pornographic content is forbidden.
14. Do not ask for any special rank. If you want to become a TP / [YG] Clan Member, you can post an application on the forum. If you want to become a V.I.P, check /dhelp command. You will be contacted by the Management if we think you are qualified enough to become an admin.
15. You are not allowed to evade any kind of punishment in any way.
16. Do not act like an admin or any rank which you don't have. If you see a rule breaker, use /report and not the main chat for it.
17. Do not scam and don't be a false witness.
18. Do not help anyone to break the rules.
19. Drive by in spawn location is not allowed.
20. Do not use Hydra/Hunter/Rhino/Sea Sparrow/RC Helicopter/Rustler in spawn areas to kill.
21. Do not ask admins for cookies/biscuits/ice creams/cakes/cash. You must earn these by yourself and do not beg for them! Use /moneyhelp and /chelp.
22. Spawn killing and heli-killing are not allowed. Heli-kill means killing with any helicopter, and spawn killing means shooting someone who was just spawned and hasn't even moved yet or 8 seconds haven't passed (if someone starts to shoot FIRST it isn't a spawn kill).
23. Death evading is not allowed in any way. Do not use commands during a fight.
23b. If a player is dueling with you and if you are not interested to duel, you can teleport to other place but you should not shoot them back.
24. Do not try to take a weapon out of a minigame area or escape a minigame area without using the suitable command (/exitm or /exitdm and so on).
25. Do not hijack others' vehicles in any way while they are exchanging or buying vehicles. Exchange vehicles only with the presence of a server admin to ensure things are fine. Use /admins to see the list of online admins.
26. Do not kill with Sniper Rifle (Weapon ID 34) in spawn locations where players don't have a sniper as well.
27. Do not shoot with RPG (Weapon ID 35 - Rocket Launcher & Weapon ID 36 Heat-Seeker Rocket) at spawn locations or the zones marked in gray.
28. Do not interfere during events. Do not cheat during an event too. You must follow all the instructions of the one(s) who run the event.
29. Car ramming in spawn locations is not allowed. Do not damage anyone with any vehicle in any spawn location.
30. Using the following SA-MP bugs is forbidden:
- G-Abuse - Shooting from the vehicle as a passenger when there is no driver inside the vehicle.
- RPG Bug - Allows you to shoot as many RPGs as you want without losing ammo.
31. Car parking - players should not /vpark their vehicles in interiors and any place that blocks a road / a teleport location. If players own house/prop, it's better to park their vehicles near by. If a player is warned by an admin not to park their vehicles in a specific place (and the vehicle gets reparked) then the player shouldn't park his vehicle in the same place it was.
31b. You are not allowed to spawn temporary vehicles as well inside interiors or use them to block anything.
32. If you want to auction your house/property/vehicle(s) please check the forum.
33. You are not allowed to own more than 1 model of the same vehicle. For example, owning 2 Sultans. If you are caught doing it you may have all your stuff (house, property and all vehicles) reset.
34. Do not use any RP related command (such as /rob) in any kind of a minigame (such as any of our /dms) or an event.
35. Do not be 'away from keyboard' during an event or any minigame. Use /afk or /brb to go afk. Do not kill nor use any RP command in the AFK room.

- in your Unban Requests , To prove us you read this topic, please copy the following code to the "Additional information" part in your application: ha8an6

By connecting to our server you allow us to scan your machine and your IP address. Being on the server is a privilege and not a right. The staff members reserve the right to ban you from the server at any given time without any notice or warning. YG SA-MP server is a server for the community and copyright protected. An attempt to steal any content from the server may result in punishment. All users must follow the laws of their country.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 09:40:50 PM by player »